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dc.contributor.authorAmat, Muchlish
dc.contributor.authorPallu, Muh.Saleh
dc.contributor.authorMunir, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorHatta, Muchsan P.
dc.identifier.citationHadi, MS Sofan, 2012.PenanggulanganSedimentasiWaduk PLTA Bakaru,.Prosiding Seminar KomiteNasional Indonesia UntukBendunganBesar (KNIBB), Jakarta. Hadiharyanto, S. KajianLajuErosi DAS WadukBanyukuwung Hassazadeh,Y.Predicting the Pattern of Sediment in a Storage Reservoir, 1st International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st Century: Issues & Challenges. Ilyas, M.Arief, dkk, 1992, Monitoring danEvaluasiSedimentasi di DPS Cimanuk Dan PerkiraanDistribusiSedimentasiPadaRencanaWadukJatigede, PusatPenelitian Dan PengembanganPengairan. Ilyas, M.Arief, dkk. 1999, KajiUlangdanidentifikasiKondisiSedimentasiWaduk-waduk Di P. Jawa, Dep. PU PusatPenelitian Dan PengembanganPengairan. INACOLD-KomisiNasional Indonesia UntukBendunganBesar, Seminar Tahunan, Sanur, Bali, Mei 2011. Loebis Joesran, 1993,Hidrologi Sungai, YayasanBadanpenerbitPekerjaanUmum, Jakarta. Markusic, M, Effect Of Design Change On Sediment Retention Basin MashriquiH.Shahid, 2003. Hydrodynamic and sediment Transport Modelling of Delataic Sediment Processes.PhD.Dissertation, Department of Civl and Environmental Engineering, Lousiana State University. Nurfaridah S, Munir A, 2011, Pengelolaan DAS BerbasisPenggunaanLahanDenganMetode Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making, StudiKasus DAS Mamasa Sulawesi, Prosiding Seminar Perteta. Shahin M.M.A, 1993, An overview of Reservoir Sedimentation in Some African River basins, Proceeding of the Yokohama Symposium, IAHS,1993. Sloff, J.C. 1997 :Modelling reservoir sedimentation processes for sediment management studies,Proceeding conference “Hydropower into the next century”. Susilo, Edy.KajianEfisiensiTangkapanSedimenBeberapaWaduk di P.Jawa Wahid, Abdul. Model PerkembanganLajuSedimentasi di WadukBakaruAkibatErosi Yang Terjadi Di Hulu Sub-DAS MamasaProvinsi Sulawesi Selatan.SMARTek. Yang, CT, Y.G.Lai, T.J. Randle, and J.A. Daraio (2003).“Development 0f a Numerical Model to predict Sediment Delivery ratio and Reservoir System”.US Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service cnter, Denver Colorado.in_ID
dc.description.abstractSediment deposition and accumulation through the reservoir bed causes problems in the shortage and utilization of surface water as well as subsequent decline of reservoir economic and useful lifetime. The economic life time of a reservoir is defined as the time necessary for aproximately 100% of the initial dead storsge capacity to be filled with incoming sediment. While useful lifetime may be defined as the period in which a reservoir is still functioning even beyond the economic lifetime. Sediment barrier placed at reservoir bed affect the inflow pattern and, thus, intensify the increase of volume of sediment trapped before the sediment flow reach the reservoir dead storage. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a submerge barrier on sediment deposition at the reservoir bed. The case study is Bakaru Reservoir located in Mamasa River, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. For this purpose, an experiment was carried out in Bakaru reservoir model with highly sedimented inflow “with” and “without” submerged sediment barrier. The model considers the factors affecting the reservor sedimentation and trap efficiency. The amount of sediment retained in the submerged barrier as the results of sedimentation was measured and compared with that retained without submerged barrier. The results obtained revealed that the submerged barrier improved the volume of sediment retained and thereby improve the reservoir trap effeciency. Since the sediment retained located outside and upstream of the dead storage, the sediment is easily dregged out without interfering the reservoir operation, thus, will increase the economic and theservice life of Dams.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectReservoir sedimentationin_ID
dc.subjectSubmerge Sediment barrierin_ID
dc.titleSubmerge Barrier as a Sediment Trap In a Reservoirin_ID

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