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dc.contributor.authorMeimaharani, Rizkysari
dc.contributor.authorListyorini, Tri
dc.identifier.citation[1] Crawford, The Art of Computer Game Design. Second Edition ed, United States: Peachpit, 2003. [2] Jasson, Role Playing Game (RPG) Maker (Software Penampung Kreatifitas, Inovasi dan Imajinasi Bagi Game Designer), Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2009. [3] J. S. a. H. Hakonen, "Synthetic Players A Quest for Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games," HUMAN IT, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 57-77, 2005. [4] Nazruddin.S, Android Pemrograman Aplikasi Mobile Smartphone dan Tablet PC Berbasis Android, Bandung: CV. Informatika, 2012. [5] R. M. T. L. Nur Khasanah, "Build Educative Game as Tool Teaching Science Nahwu Jurumiyah For Android Based," Solo, 2014. [6] R. S. Pressman, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak: pendekatan praktisi (Buku1), Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2007. [7] T. Listyorini, "Perancangan Game Simulasi Pendaftaran Skripsi Pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Muria Kudus," Simetris, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 56 - 63, 2013. [8] T. Listyorini, "3d-Catalog Mountain View Resident Berbasis Augmented Reality," Bandung, 2014.in_ID
dc.description.abstractGame is a game that is familiar in the world of children. This study raised one educational game which applied to TK Muslimat Khoiriyah Kudus. This research was appointed to provide a variety of learning in kindergarten Muslimat Khoiriyah Kudus in the learning process, especially in terms of color recognition. Color is one of the basic materials in the world of children. This is what makes the author of this theme of. Learning the introduction of color are very embedded in early childhood education. This is accomplished to practice children's creativity level. For enjoy easy and attractive communication of necessary media learning interesting and interactive. This research method research and Development. Result from this research is a game Education is designed to help teachers to further raise interest of children to learning the introduction of colors.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleEducative Introduction Color Game Based on Androidin_ID

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