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dc.contributor.authorPuteri, Renty Anugerah Mahaji
dc.identifier.citation[1] FAMD.. Value Stream Mapping. Jakarta : Penerbit Matsushita Gobel Inst, 2008 [2] Liker K. J. The Toyota Way. Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga, 2004. [3] Rangkuti F. Manajemen Persediaan . Jakarta : Penerbit Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007. [4] Sutalaksana, I.Z., dkk. Teknik Tata Cara Kerja, Laboratorium Tata Cara Kerja & Ergonomi, Departemen Teknik Industri – ITB, 1979. [5] Wignjosoebroto, Sritomo. Ergonomi: Studi Gerak dan Waktu, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya: Guna Widya, 2003.in_ID
dc.description.abstractPT Yamaha Indonesia (YI), established in 1970, is one company that is engaged in the manufacture and assembly of piano. As one branch of Yamaha Corporation Japan Company, PT Yamaha Indonesia is required to compete with other branches and subsidiary companies with brands other than Yamaha piano in the world. With the increasing demand for piano, PT YI always trying to improve productivity so that the resulting output can meet the demand. However, problems occurred in the PT YI especially in parts of the buffing Panel upright piano (up) is still a waste that occurs in the production process it is characterized by the presence of a number of non-value added activity caused by transport and unnecessary movement and the presence of inventory which is not in accordance with the requirements. Value Stream Mapping is a tool used in this research. Results after the VSM 140 Pcs inventory, lead time 0.74 day, standard time 53.8, defect 3.19, productivity 1.96 and efficiency 47 %.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectLead Timein_ID
dc.subjectValue Stream Mappingin_ID
dc.titleImplementation of Value Stream Mapping to Reduce Waste at Buffing Panel UP PT. Yamaha Indonesiain_ID

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