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dc.contributor.authorKusumo, P.
dc.contributor.authorYulianto, M.E.
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dc.contributor.authorParamita, V.
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to assess the development of mixed-adsorption drying process to reduce the water content, enzyme inactivation polyphenols and catechins epimerisasi events and avoid thermal degradation, in order to obtain high berkatekin green tea products. Targets to be achieved in the form of technical data for the design and operation of laboratory processes and data scale-up mixedadsorption drying apparatus. Research has been done include : design and fabrication fluidisas and dryers, continued study of the effect of process variables on the adsorption of mixed- drying apparatus. Studies carried out by changing the variable air temperature dryer, tea and zeolite weight ratio, the flow rate of hot air and humidity system as a function of time . During tempuhan, measured temperature, humidity, levels of catechins, polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity and water content. The measurement results are used to validate the model that had been developed by looking at the profile of heat and mass transfer. The results of the research is the development of a fluidized bed dryer to get green tea products with relatively high levels of catechins . Temperature and drying air flow rate affects the drying rate curve or drying time, while the residence time effect on fluidized bed drying process and the results obtained catechins.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectenzime inactivationin_ID
dc.subjectfluidized bed drierin_ID
dc.subjectgreen teain_ID
dc.subjectmoisture contentin_ID

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