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dc.description.abstract | Abstract: The aim of this research is to know (1) the effectiveness of learning mathematics by using
cooperative and conventional model in PGSD UNS, (2) the effectiveness of learning mathematics
and learning motivation in PGSD UNS, and (3) the interaction of the effect of cooperative and
conventional model to the low and high learning motivation toward the effectiveness of learning
mathematics in PGSD UNS. This research was conducted at the semester two of PGSD FKIP UNS
2007. This research was done by using experiment method. Forty students were as experiment
group and forty students as control group. The data were collected by observation, questionnaire,
test, and documentation and then analyzed by anava two ways. The results of the research are as
follows: (1) learning mathematics by using cooperative model is more effective than conventional
model (Fo = 21,07> Ft 0,05 = 3,96), (2) the learning achievement of the students with high motivation
is better than the students with low motivation (Fo = 7,18 > Ft 0,05 = 3,96), (3) there are correlative
impact between the use of cooperative learning model and conventional learning model and high
and low learning motivation toward the students achievement. From this result, then it can be
suggested that (1) all the lectures of PGSD are required to use cooperative model in teaching
learning process, (2) the policy makers of PGSD have to give facilities in applying cooperative
learning, ( 3) the students are suggested to be able to work together with their friends. | en_US |