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dc.contributor.authorAiman, Umul
dc.contributor.authorSriwijaya, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorfa’uzi, Arif nor
dc.identifier.citationCahyono, 2007. Kacang Buncis, Teknik Budidaya dan Analisis Usaha Tani. Kanisius. Hal. 9-125. Gardner, F., R.B. Pearce dan R. L., Mitchell.1991. Fisiologi Tanaman Budidaya Universitas Indonesia press Jakarta. Heyne, K. 2003. Media tanam pada Tanaman Hias. Yayasan Wahana Jaya, Jakarta. Husen, E., R. Saraswati Dan R. D Hastuti. 2008. Rizobakteri Pemacu Tumbuh Tanaman. 11 Januari 2015). Loveless, A.R. (1999). Prinsip-prinsip Biologi Tumbuhan untuk daerah tropic 1 ( Terjemahan). Gramedia Jakartain_ID
dc.description.abstractFrance Stringbean is one of good variaty vegetables which is export commodity. It has high consumption rate so that it needs to be risen of its growth and crops. One of the ways is by using various planting media and giving PGPRM. The purpose of this research is to learn the effects of planting media to the growth and the crops of France String Bean. This research conducted in the experiment garden of Agro Industry Faculty of Yogyakarta Mercu Buana University which is in the 90 meters above the sea level. This research uses Experimental Single Factor with eight different treatments which is arranged into RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap)by three times repetitions. The experiment factors are Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:1) without PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:2) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (1:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (2:1:1) with PGPRM, Sand+Soil+Compost (0:1:1) with PGPRM. The result of this research showed that planting media and PGPRM do not have any differentiations to all variables of the growth and the crops of France String Bean.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectFrance String Beanin_ID
dc.subjectPlanting Mediain_ID
dc.titlePengaruh PGPRM (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizospheric Microorganism) dan Macam Media Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Buncis Perancisin_ID

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