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dc.contributor.authorShobahiya, Mahasri
dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Zaenal
dc.identifier.citationAbidin, Zaenal. 2005. “Strategi Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi: Optimalisasi Kinerja Dosen dalam Pembelajaran di Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas uhammadiyah Surakarta” dalam Varia Pendidikan Vol.1 No.2. Abidin, Zaenal. 2006. “Motivasi dalam Strategi Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan ARCS” dalam Suhuf Vol. XVIII No.02. Abidin, Zaenal. 2007. “Analisis Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan Analisis Pembelajaran dalam Desain Sistem Pembelajaran” dalam Suhuf Vol.19 No.1. Barnadib, Sutari Imam. 1982. Pengantar Ilmu Pendidikan Sistematis. Yogyakarta: FIP IKIP. Haryani, Wiwik, dkk. 2000. “Penggunaan Peta Konsep sebagai Media Pembelajaran dalam Pencapaian Belajar Bermakna (Meaningfull Learning) oleh Guru Bidang Studi IPS di SMU Negeri 2 Kodya Samarinda”, Laporan Akhir Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), abstrak.html (8 of 48) [04/01/2002 13:57:48] Madjid, Abd. 1428 H. “UUGD dan Dampaknya bagi Peningkatan Kualitas Guru” dalam At-Ta’dib Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol. 3 No. 1. Nurhadi. 2004. Pendekatan Kontekstual dan Penerapannya dalam KBK. Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang. Ramsden, Paul J. 1990. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. New York : Routledge. Shobahiya, Mahasri. 2004. “Efektivitas Program Mentoring Al-Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Tahun Akademik 2003/2004”. Laporan Penelitian Institusional. Tidak dipublikasikan. Silberman, M. 1996. Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach by Subject. Toronto: Allyn Bacon. Sunardi. 2003. Pendidikan Progresif: Paradigma untuk Mengejar Ketertinggalan Kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press. Surya, Mohammad. 2004. Psikologi Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran. Bandung: Pustaka Bani Quraisy. Syah, Muhibin. 2004. Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Talbert, J.E. & M.E.McLaughlin. 1999. “Understanding Teaching in Context” dalam Educational Leadership Vol. 57 (3). Yamin, Martinis. 2006. Sertifikasi Profesi Keguruan di Indonesia. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press. Zahorik, John A. 1995. Constructivist Teaching (Fastback 390). Bloomington, Indiana: Phi-Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Zaini, Hisyam, dkk. 2002. Desain Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi. Yogyakarta: Center for Teaching and Staf Development, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga.en_US
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Ideally, the teachers have a mastery of theoretical and practical ability. But really, in early observation, it is known that most of teacher, specially Islamic Studies (Pendidikan Agama Islam, PAI) teacher of Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) in Sukoharjo regency is different to ideal concept above. The background above support us to research about: (1) How is about teacher’s teaching philosophy, teaching preparation, formulation of learning objectives, learning resources, and media, and (2) How is attitude and assessment of students to the teacher performance. The aim of this research is to know about teacher’s teaching philosophy, formulation of learning objectives, teaching preparation, learning activities, technique of evaluation, learning resources, and media, and also to know about attitude and assessment of students to the Islamic Studies (PAI) teacher’s performance of Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) in Sukoharjo regency. Beside that it aims to design model of training service to the teachers. While this research benefit is to describe the condition of the Islamic Studies (PAI) teachers and give solution to make-up the quality of the Islamic Studies (PAI) teachers through an alternative model of training service to them. The subject of this research is all of Islamic Studies (PAI) teachers of Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA) in Sukoharjo regency, the sample is determined by using random sampling technique. The criterion of the sample relied on excellent, medium, and subordinate school in each district. The sample is selected one school from each group, and each school is selected 1-2 teacher from class VII or VIII teacher (SMP) and class X or XI teacher (SMA). Data are obtained by interview, questionnaire, and observation. Finally, the data of observation and interview, also the data of questionnaire embraced in table of data; than analyzed by percentage technique.This research can be concluded as follows:(a) Islamic Studies teachers teach conventionally in Sukoharjo regency; (b) The most teachers don’t design the syllabi and Planning of Teaching (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, RPP) themselves; (c)Lecturing strategy is dominant used by most of the teachers;(d)The teachers have known that evaluation must be done in any domain of learning; they are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. But really, they don’t do that; and (e) The weakness on point a, b, c, d above is caused of lack of teacher skill development and reference in designing classroom.en_US
dc.subjectlearning processen_US
dc.subjectcourse designen_US
dc.subjectin service trainingen_US

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