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dc.contributor.authorSetiyadi, Noor Alis
dc.contributor.authorJumadi, Jumadi
dc.contributor.authorArozaq, Miftahul
dc.contributor.authorHakam, Fahmi
dc.contributor.authorMurti, Bhisma
dc.contributor.authorSulaeman, Endang Sutisna
dc.identifier.citationAchmadi, Umar Fahmi, Manajemen Penyakit Berbasis Wilayah. Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2008 BPS. 2013. MDGs Millenium Development Goals. Diakses 23 Juni 2013. Depkes RI. 2008. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis. Edisi 2. Jakarta. Kemenkes. 2013. Kebijakan Kementrian Kesehatan dalam mencapai MDGs. ess-release/2240-kebijakan- kementerian-kesehatan-dalam- mencapai-mgds.html. Diakses 23 Juni 2014. KUKP-RI MDGs. 2013. MDGs Kemajuan Signifikan. .php/component/content/article/20- tulisan/materi-mdgs/101- mdgssignifikan. Diakses 23 Juni 2014. Lippeveld T, et. al, 2000, Design and Implementation of Health Information System, WHO, Genewa. Marimin, et al, 2010, Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Penerbit Grasindo, Jakarta. Morrow RH, Vaughan JP. 1993. Panduan Epidemiologi bagi Pengelola Kesehatan Kabupaten. Disunting dari WHO. ITB Bandung. Muninjaya Gde AA. 1999. AIDS di Indonesia Masalah dan Kebijakannya. Cetakan I. EGC. Jakarta. Network Epi4. 2013. Angka HIV Tinggi, Target MDGs Belum Tercapai. Diakses 23 Juni 2013. S. Suryadi.D & Bunawan, 1996, Pengantar Metodologi Pengembangan Sistem Informasi, Gunadarma, Jakarta. Setiyadi N A. 2011. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Surveilans Tuberkulosis Di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sukoharjo tahun 2011. UI. Jakarta Whiteside Alan. 2008. HIV/AIDS : A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. New York. WHO report, 2008, Global Tuberculosis Control, Surveilance, Planning, Financing. WHO. WHO, 2003. Rencana Strategi Regional HIV/TB. Terjemahan. Regional Officer for South-East Asia.in_ID
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BBKPM) Surakarta is a place providing health service including tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The application of recording and reporting running well will support providing, analysis and good of health service. Thus, the system analysis including input, process, and output are needed to provide it. Method: this study is descriptive with qualitative approach undertaken from Mei-July 2015 in BBKPM and distric health office, Sukoharjo. Data were obtained from in-depth interview and observation. The information were collected from 5 informans who choosed with purposive sampling technique. The validation of result was undertaken with triangulation method. Result and discussion: recording system of tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus in BBKPM had been using 3 kinds of software: SIM-RS, SITT and SIHA. In addition, the reporting data had been using the software from ministry of health, Indonesia. From them, there was no data spatial among BBKPM and distric health office in input and output. Disparity of software influence the work load, inefficiency in the data input and the redundancy occurs. Beside, the officers recorded manually to check the data input. Conclussion: there was no spatial data and work load in officer to record and report the data (input and process). In partiarcular of output, the officers were difficult to summary and present the data. The integration system in BBKPM and distric health office, Sukoharjo including spatial data were needed to support the surveillance process of TB/HIVin_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Online TB/HIV di BBKPM Surakartain_ID

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