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dc.contributor.authorNasriyah, Nasriyah
dc.contributor.authorNisak, Ana Zumrotun
dc.identifier.citationArifin, L. (2008). Teknik akupuntur pada nyeri persalinan. http:// keperawatan maternitas/2008/04/teknik-akupresur- pada-nyeri persalinan.htm.diakses pada tanggal 19 Februari 2014 Arikunto.2005.Prosedur penelitian.Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Bobak. (2004). Buku Ajar keperawatan maternitas. Jakarta: EGC Bonapace et al.2013.Evaluation of the Bonapace metod : a specific educational intervention to reduce pain during childbirth.jurnal of pain research Danuatmadja, B. 2008. Persalinan Normal Tanpa Rasa Sakit. Jakarta : Puspa Swara. Fraser, D. (2009). Buku ajar bidan.Jakarta: EGC. Karami, Khoda. (2008). Effect of Massage Therapy on Severity of Pain and Outcome of Labor in Primipara article/download/1869/735. diakses 08 Maret 2014. Kasdu, D. (2003). Operasi caesar: Masalah dan solusinya. Jakarta: Puspa Swara. Lane,B.(2009).Massage in childbirth : Hoe touch can provide pain relief during labor. e-in-childbirth-a164727. diakses pada : 08/03/2014 Mander, R. (2003). Nyeri persalinan (Terjemahan Bertha Sugiarto). Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Potter, P.A., & Perry, A. G. (2005). Buku ajar fundamental keperawatan: Konsep, proses, dan praktik (Terjemahan Renata Komalasari et al. Edisi 4). Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.. Priharjo,R.2003.Perawatan Nyeri.Jakarta:EGC Rahmadani,(2009.Hubungan akupresur dengan tingkat nyeri dan lama persalinan kala I pada ibu primipara di garut.diakses tanggal : 20 Februari 2014 Sugiyono.2012.Statistik dalam Penelitian.Bandung:Alfabeta Tamsuri, A. (2007). Konsep dan penatalaksanaan nyeri. Jakarta : EGC Turuna, Yuda.(2004).Akupresur.http://www.modi tanggal : 09/03/2014 Walsh, L. (2007). Buku ajar kebidanan komunitas. Jakarta: EGC Wirakusumah F, Satari MH.2011.Konsistensi Penelitian dalam Bidam Kesehatan.Bandung:PT Refika Aditamain_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground: Childbirth is a natural process that feels by every pregnant woman. The labor process is not same. Sometimes the labor process needs a long time and causes pain. The conditions of severe pain in the first stage of labor encourage the mothers to chose the easiest way and quickly to relieve pain through caesarean operation even without a clear indication. One of the ways to handle the labor pain with non-pharmacological techniques is by using acupressure and counter pressure. The combinations of these two methods aim to obtain better results in the reduction of labor pain in the active phase of the first stage of maternity. Objective: This study amis to identify the effectiveness of the combination between acupressure and counter pressure on the first stage of labor pain reduction in the active phase of normal deliveries. Method: The design of this study using quasi-experimental design with pre-post test. This approach is used to look at the effectiveness of treatment through the differences between the groups before and after treatment, and then observed. The population in this study was all mothers who included in the criteria for inclusion and exclusion in BPM which will be used as a place of research. The sample in this study was normal birth mothers, 36 respondents. The sampling technique in this research used consecutive sampling. Moreover, the analysis of the data was Wilcoxon. Results: The study showed that there is no significant difference before and after treatment using the method of Acount, with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). Conclusion: In this study, the combination of Acount methods is highly effective in reducing labor pain active phase of the first stagein_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectMethods acountin_ID
dc.subjectlabor painin_ID
dc.titleKombinasi Metode Acount Untuk Penurunan Nyeri Persalinanin_ID

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