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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Amalia
dc.identifier.citationAmold, E. 1983. Starting to Teach Study Skill. London: Edward Arnold, Ltd Arikunto. 2002.Metodologi Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Proposal.Jakarta:PT.Rineka Cipta Brown, D. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Longman Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, Z., and Thurrell, S. 1995.Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated Model with Content Specifications.Applied Linguistic: Online Journal. Available online on on May 15, 2015 Celce-Murcia, M.2007.Rethinking the Role of Communicative Competence. Available online on http:// on May 15, 2015 Harmer, J. 1993. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman Penny, U. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press Purnomo, B. 2014. The Use of Filmed Authentic Scenes for Improving Verbal and Non-verbal Communication Skills in Teaching English for Hotel and Tourism Professionals.In Proceedings from International Seminar on Education Technology. Postgraduate Program, State University of Semarang Richards, J.C. 2006.Communicative Language Teaching Today.New York: Cambridge University Press Sugiyono.2010.MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif & RND.Bandung:Alfabeta Syafryadin. 2013. The use of talking Chips Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement. In Proceedings from International Conference for the Future Education 3rd Edition.Italy:libreria
dc.description.abstractASEAN Economic Community (AEC) becomes the current issue in education field especially for nursing academy. The students should have good capability not only in medical aspects but also communication aspects. Speaking English is the key to have a good communication if AEC is realized. Therefore, lecturer should prepare the students to face AEC by applying new technique in teaching and learning process. This study aims to answer “is the use of Filmed Scenes in teaching English for nursing effective to improve the communication and medical skill?”. This study belongs to experimental study with posttest and observation as the data collection. This research was conducted in the even semester 2015. There were 82 students of second semester undergraduate nursing science program STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus. The finding of this research shows that (1) the use of filmed scenes can improve the students’ vocabulary, communication skill and medical skill, (2) the use of filmed scenes can help the students to have realistic medical treatment, (3) the use of filmed scenes introduces the students to have interactive and communication therapeutic. This research recommended to explore and compare various methods in other subjects to achieve students, competence and develop quality nursing education.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectFilmed Scenesin_ID
dc.subjectTeaching English for Nursingin_ID
dc.subjectCommunication Skillin_ID
dc.subjectMedical Skillin_ID
dc.titleFilmed Scenes in Teaching English for Nursing to Improve the Communication and Medical Skillin_ID

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