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dc.contributor.authorMeikawati, Wulandari
dc.contributor.authorSuyanto, Agus
dc.identifier.citationAhmad Syafiq dan Sandra Fikawati. 2004. Konsumsi Kalsium Remaja Siswa SMU Negeri Kota Bogor Tahun 2003. Media Gizi & Keluarga. Volume 28 No. 1 Juli 2004 Ali Khomsan, YF Baliwati, C Meti Dwiriani. 2004. Pengantar Pangan dan Gizi. Jakarta. Penebar Swadaya Almatsier S. 2002. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta: Gramedia Arisman. 2004. Gizi Daur Dalam Kehidupan. Cetakan I. EGC. Jakarta Boskey AL. 1992. Mineral-matrix interaction in bone and cartilago. Clip Orthop 281 Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2007. Fisiologi Kedokteran. Penerjemah : Setiawan I, Tengadi, LMA KA, Santoso A. Jakarta. EGC Kalkwarf H.J, J.C Khoury &B.P. Lanphear.2003.Milk intake during childhood and adolescence, adult bone density, and osteoporotic fractures in US women. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;77: 257-65 Kretchmer, 1997. Developmental Nutrition. Allyn and Bacon. A Viacom Company 160 Gould Street Needham Heights M. A 02194- 2310 Kristanto B. 2011. Pengaruh Pemberian Suplemen Formulasi Pakan TInggi Kalsium Berbasis Cangkang Kerang Simping (Amusium pleuronectes) terhadap Kadar Kalsium Darah pada Tikus Putih(Rattus norvegicus) Linder MC. 1992. Biokimia nutrisi dan metabolisme: dengan pemakaian secara klinis. Penerjemah Aminudin Parakkasi. Jakarta. Penerbit UI Nordin, B.E. 1997. Calcium in Health and Disease. Food, Nutrition and Agriculture; 20:13-26 Soetjiningsih. 2004. Tumbuh Kembang Remaja dan Permasalahannya. cetakan I. Sagung Seto. Jakarta Suarsana IN dkk. 2011. Tepung Tempe Kaya Isoflavon Meningkatkan Kadar Kalsium, Posfor dan Estrogen Plasma Tikus Betina Normal. Jurnal Veteriner. ISSN : 1411-8327. Vol.12 No. 3: 229-234 Suryono. Setiawan, Budi. Martianto, Drajat. Sukandar, Dadang. 2007. Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Berkalsium Tinggi Terhadap Kadar Kalsium Darah dan Kepadatan Tulang Remaja Pria. Media Gizi dan Keluarga. Vol 31 No. 1:63-70in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe most high calcium requirement occurs in adolescence than other age stages due to the rapid skeletal growth. The intake of calcium can be obtained from high-calcium foods or food ingredients that have been fortified with calcium. Mocaf is a product of flour from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is processed with the principle of modified cassava cell fermentation so that it has the color whiter than usual cassava flour and neutral flavor. Shell eggs is one of waste containing calcium is high enough, so that it can be used as fortifikan. This study aims to determine the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of rats given standard feed ingredients coupled with mocaf fortified with calcium from the shells of eggs. Experimental animals divided into four, namely group 1 was given a standard feed (control group), group 2 was given a standard feed + mocaf fortified calcium from eggshell with a dose of 5%, group 3 was given a standard feed + mocaf fortified calcium from eggshell with a dose of 10% Group 4 was given the standard feed + CaCO3 at a dose of 5%. Treatment was given for 7 weeks. Blood sampling performed on the first and eighth week. The results showed the highest rates of blood calcium levels before treatment contained in the group 2 is 10.31 mg / dl and the lowest 9,78mg / dl in group 1. After the treatment is given the highest rates of blood calcium levels found in the group 3 is 12.04 mg / dl and the lowest 9.95 mg / dl in group 1. There is the effect of calcium on the eggshell of the blood calcium level, and there are differences in the level of calcium in the blood before and after treatment. There are differences in phosphorus levels before and after treatment, but there was no difference between treatment groups phosphorus levels.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.titleKadar Kalsium dan Fosfor Darah pada Tikus yang Diberikan Mocaf Terfortifikasi Kalsium dari Cangkang Telur Ayam Rasin_ID

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