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dc.contributor.authorNuvriasari, Audita
dc.contributor.authorAs’ari, Hasim
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dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were to: (1). Identifying the factors that become obstacles in financial governance and customer databases as well as assessing the interest and readiness of the partners in adopting the technology and information systems. Results of this study then followed up by providing an understanding through education and counseling to SMEs on the importance of financial governance and customer databases in business and (2). Provide skills training for SMEs in using financial information systems and customer database management, and (3). Evaluate the management performance of SMEs before and after counseling and training. The partner in this study is 23 SMEs in “Paguyban TEGAR”, Gamplong Tourism Village, Yogyakarta. The methods of this study are observation and action research. The implementation of the action program include the provision of assistance equipment such as printers, financial module, financial software for SMEs and customer database software. Other program implementations are: the provision of counseling on financial management and customer databases, and training skills in using financial software and customer databases. The evaluation of the actions carried out by comparing the performance improvement of financial management and customer database before and after training.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangin_ID
dc.subjectfinancial managementin_ID
dc.subjectdatabase customerin_ID
dc.subjectinformation systemin_ID
dc.subjecteducation and trainingin_ID
dc.subjectaction researchin_ID
dc.titlePenerapan Sistem Informasi Keuangan dan Database Pelanggan Guna Mendukung Peningkatan Kinerja UKMin_ID

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