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dc.contributor.authorNugrahani, Farida
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dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to analyze the reactualization of Javanese language and literature learning in multicultural era, especially in finding the its alternative teaching model. This qualitative research used interview for collecting the data, and source of the data cover content analysis, openended question, in-depth interview, and participant observation. The collected data were analyzed by interactive model. The results of the research show that Javanese language and literature learning should be (1) reactualized based on the need and the demand, (2) followed by the students needs in the future not by an obligatory subject, (3) coordinated with many counterparts such as, family, school, bureaucrat, mass media, culture experts, and societyen_US
dc.subjectmulticultural eraen_US
dc.subjectteaching modelen_US
dc.subjectneed of the futureen_US

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