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dc.description.abstract | Traditional learning model create a wrong perception in students’ mind that statistics is
difficult, complicated, and boring. It results unsatisfactory scores for the students themselves. This
research developed a more active, recreative, and enjoyable model by using environmental approach
around students. This approach was started by developing the aims of learning process (standards),
authentic assessment and scoring criteria (rubric) at statistics course. This research used research
and development approach which was started by doing survey, planning, trial, validation, validation
test and dissemination. In this research, a more spesific standard was developed which prevoiusly
was only spesific instructional goals. Task development which previously only did the lecturer
assignment, now is different. Students have to measure or collect data from certain sources or spots.
The scoring which previously only used the scores of middle semester test and final semester test,
now has been develop to become a scoring system with criteria and quality graduation which are
more detail. The students’ learning absorption which was measured by using weighted mean scores
resulted a value at 3,00. It shows that students’ learning absorption is good. There is a learning
process result difference between two periods which are before the application of authentic assessment
and after the application of penilaian autentik (p=0,041). This research created an authentic
assessment at statistics course which consisted of standards development, authentic task and rubric,
which were applied by various active learning strategies and were welcomed well by students.
Moreover, the model could improve students’ learning result at statistics course. | en_US |