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dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Umi Budi
dc.contributor.authorSari, Dwi Rosella Komala
dc.contributor.authorSudrajad, Hadi
dc.identifier.citationArikunto, dkk. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta : Bumi aksara. Djojonegoro, W.1995. Visi dan Strategi Pembangunan Pendidikan untuk tahun 2020 : Tuntunan Terhadap Kualitas, dalam Mimbar Pendidikan No tahun XIV April Bandung : University Press IKIP Bandung. Djumadi dan Muhroji. 2004. Pengaruh Proses Belajar Mengajardan Manajemen Seokolah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Di Sekolah Menengah. Varidika Vol 16 No 1 hal 6 – 12. Furgon, Muhammad, 2006, Perguruan Tinggi Berbasiskan Media dan Teknologi, Waspada Online, Sumatra Utara. Gankhung, O and Lindeberg, J. 2006. Merangkul Perbedaan-Perangkat untuk Menciptakan Lingkungan yang Inklusif, Ramah terhadap Pembelajaran. www.tdp-europe-org/eenet/ newsletter3_Indonesia/page24.php. Hartono. 1995. Belajar Berdasaran Masalah. Yogyakarta : FK UGM. Harun, Jamalludin dan Zaidatun, 2003, Asas Multimedia dan Aplikasinya dalam Pendidikan, PTS Publicatoins, Bentong. Heinich, 2006, Prinsip Pengembangan Media Pendidikan: Sebuah Pengantar. Hopkins, D. 1993. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. Buckingham, Philadhelphia : Open University Press Kemmis, S & Mc Taggard R, 1998. The Action Research Planner. Victoria : deakin University Press. Notoatmojo, Soekidjo. 2003, Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan, Rieneka Cipta, Jakarta. O’corner dan Brie, 1998, Pembelajaran dengan Multimedia, Sekolah Bastari, Malaysia Prabandari, Yayi Suryo. 2005. Pedoman Penyusunan PBL. Makalah dalam Workshop on Student Assesment. Yogyakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Purwanti, Margaretha, 2006, Peran Pengajaran Dosen, Konsep Pembelajaran, Konsep Diri Akademik dan Pendekatan Belajar Dalam Menentukan Hasil belajar. Pusat Bahasa Depdikbud. 2003. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta. Balai Pustaka. Pusdiklat, 2003. Bahan Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Belajar Berdasar Masalah). Jakarta: Dep Kes RI. Rusfidra, 2001, Peranan Pendidikan Tinggi Jarak Jauh untuk Mewujudkan Knowledge Based Society, Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta. Santoso, Djoko. 2000. Wawasan Manajemen Perguruan Tingi Menuju Kemandirian. Bandung : ITB. Suyanto dan Hisyam, D. 2000. Refleksi dan Reformasi Pendidikan di Indonesia Memasuki Millenium III. Yogyakarta: Adicita Zaini, Hisyam. 2002. Desain Pembelajaran Di Perguruan Tinggi. Yogyakarta : CTSD IAIN Sunan Kalijaga. Zainul, Asmawi, 1996. Program Pengembangan Ketrampilan Teknik Instruksional (Pekerti) untuk Dosen Muda. Jakarta : Dirjen Dikti Depdikbud.en_US
dc.description.abstractAnatomy is one of special elementary subject in semester II D III Program Physiotherapy Faculty of Medical Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Learning methodology, in the past time, of Anatomy II used demonstration with artificial and original human being cadaver which its amount is limited, model anatomy, charta, OHP media and discourse and also assignations. Problem at this research were the study through CD/DVD whether : (1) could improve effectiveness of study? (2) could overcome study at classical class? (3) could improve efficacy of message forwarding? The aim of this research was to improve the effectiveness study of anatomy II subject through CD/DVD media. The indicators included (1) effectiveness in class covering or interest of items, liveliness of achievement and student learning circumstance, (2) the number of student joining the class and behavioral change (3) CD/DVD media which including were increased construction items, effectiveness of media efficacy level of message forwarding. Class Action Research was used to solve problem through steps some: planning, action, observation and reflection which were devided into three cycles. Research subject was the way of instruction with CD/DVD media at D III Physiotherapy Program Study student of Semester II, as many 64 students. The results of this research were (1) the effectiveness study related to interest aspect and liveliness of student increased from cycle I to cycle II and also cycle III although had not reached the goals yet, learning achievement aspect of the students increased from cycle I to cycle II and also cycle III and had reached the goals (2) the number of student joining the class increased and behavioral change of the students were increased from cycle I to cycle II and also cycle III and had reached goals.en_US
dc.subjectLearning effectivenessen_US
dc.subjectclassical classen_US
dc.subjectAnatomi IIen_US
dc.subjectCD/DVD Media.en_US

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