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dc.contributor.authorSujatmiko, Ponco
dc.identifier.citationAmerican Association of University Women ( AAUW). 1998. Gender Gaps: Where Schools Still Fail Our Children.Washington DC: AAUW Educational Foundation, 1998 American Association of University Women (AAUW). 2004. Gender Equity for Mathematics and Science.Invited Faculty Presentation. Washington DC:AAUW Educational Foundation E.T. Russeffendi. 1986. Pengajaran Matematka Modern. Bandung: Tarsito Herman Hudoyo. 1988. Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika dan Pelaksanaannya di depan kels.Surabaya: Usaha Nasional Kartini Kartono.1992. Psikologi Wanita (Jilid 1) Mengenal Gadis Remaja dan Wanita Dewasa. Bandung : Mandar Maju Kline, Morris, “Matematika”, Ilmu dalam Perspektif, ed..Jujun S.Suria Sumantri.Jakarta: Gramedia Mellisa C. Gilbert . 2002 .”Challenges in Implmenting Strategies for Gender-Aware Teaching”. Mathematics Teachers. An Official Journal of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.Vol.7,No.9.2002. Reston.Va : NCTM National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). html.Worl.Wide. Web.1997._____Findings from The Condition of Education 1997: Women In Mathematics and Science.Washington DC: NCES Ngalim Purwanto.2002. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya R. Soedjadi.2000. Kiat Pendidikan Matematika Indonesia. Jakarta : Ditjen.Dikti Depdiknas WA.Gerungan. 1991. Psikologi Sosial. Bandung:Eresco WS.Winkel 1991.Psikologi Pengajaran.Jakarta: Grasindoen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aim to know the attitude of high school women student in mathematics, to identify the factory that influence the attitude of high school women student in mathematics’, and to know the influence of the attitude of high school women student in mathematics to their choices of life Based on the research aim above, this research use the qualitative research descriptive method. In this research we want to find accurate information about attitude of high school women student in mathematics and to know how the attitude of high school women student in mathematics influence their choices of life so we use descriptive explorative method. The result of this research are the confidence high school women student in mathematics is in medium categories, the useful of mathematics according to high school women student is in high categories, the point of view about mathematics is male domains according to high school women student is in high categories (4) The perception about mathematics teachers according to high school women student is in high categories, (5) the factors that influence the attitude of high school women student in mathematics is : (i) Self confidence of high school women student (ii) Their ability in mathematics (iii) Knowing useful of mathematics in their life (iv) The character of high school women student (v) Mathematic teachers, and the attitude of high school women student in mathematics influence their choices of life. Women student that have positive attitude in mathematics select university majors or career that involve mathematics, but women student that have negative attitude in mathematics select university majors or career that not involve mathematics.en_US
dc.subjectattitude studenten_US

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