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dc.contributor.authorDimyati, Khudzaifah
dc.identifier.citationAbdurrachman. Ed., 1987 Beberapa Pemikiran tentang Otonom Daerah. Jakarta: Media Sarana Press. Manan, Bagir. 1994, Hubungan Antara Pusat dan Daerah Menurut UUD 1945. Jakarta: Sinar Harapan. Soejito, Irawan. 1984. Hubungan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah. Jakarta: Bina Aksara. Soemantri, Sri, 1981, Pengantar Perbandingan Hukum Tata Negara. Jakarta: Rajawali. Tjokrowinoto, Moeljarto, 2000. Alternatif Perencanaan Pembangunan Sosial Budaya dalam Soedjatmoko,, Masalah Sosial Budaya Tahun 2000, Yogyakarta, Tiara Wacana.en_US
dc.description.abstractFollow up of the national policy on overcoming the poverty that have been transformed in district legislative product since district autonomy era, reflected the commitment of district government on awakening the community from under prosperity condition. Although, on defining the position of poverty overcoming committee (Komite Penanggulangan Kemiskinan) the inconsistency occurred, due to the various interpretations respectively taken by the districts. Therefore, it seems necessary to perform a consensual vision on interpreting the legal instrument in order that the target and goal of poverty overcoming program might be maximally succeeded.en_US
dc.subjectkebijakan alternatif partisipatorisen_US
dc.subjectkebijakan konvensionalen_US
dc.titleHUKUM DAN KEBIJAKAN KEMISKINAN: Studi Tentang Produk Legislatif Daerah Sebagai Sarana Penanggulangan Kemiskinanen_US

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