Pengaruh Profesionalisme Audit, Intensitas Moral Untuk Melakukan Tindakan Whistleblowing (Studi Pada KAP di Indonesia)
The purpose of this paper is to to investigate the influence of professionalism auditor and intensity of moral to
effect on whistleblowing action of KAP in Indonesia. The research method used is the population of all
auditors who worked on 25 KAP in Indonesia. Sampling technique using nonprobabilitas or not random with
convienience sampling method.Tool using regression analysis using F test and t test with SPSS ver.17.00. The
paper ends with a set of hypotheses requiring further research. The paper finds that the professionalism auditor,
intensity of moral simultaneously affect on whistleblowing action of KAP in Indonesia. professionalism
auditor variable partially significant affect on whistleblowing action of KAP in Indonesia. Variable intensity of
moral has an effect on whistleblowing action of KAP in Indonesia. This paper provides influence of
professionalism auditor , intensity of moral , to effect on whistleblowing action of KAP in Indonesia