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dc.contributor.authorPranoto, Bayu Agung
dc.contributor.authorWidagdo, Ari Kuncoro
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dc.description.abstractThis research aims to examine the influence of political connection and corporate governance on tax aggressiveness. Data of this research is secondary data obtained from the annual report. Sampling procedure is purposive sampling producing 175 listed companies in period 2006-2014. Method of analysis is multiple regression analysis. The test result showed that the political connection take negative effect to tax aggresiveness, especially variable independent board. While corporate governance has no effect on tax aggressiveness.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectPolitical Connectionin_ID
dc.subjectCorporate Governancein_ID
dc.subjectTax Aggressivenessin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Koneksi Politik dan Corporate Governance Terhadap Tax Aggressivenessin_ID

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