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dc.description.abstract | The research purpose is to know and analyze the influence of labor discipline, motivation, amd
organizational commitment on employee performance at local staffing agency (BKD) in Grobogan. The
population in the study all employees who work at the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) Grobogan. The
sample used was the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) contained in Grobogan District Government. The
sampling technique used purposive sampling with consideration certain criteria. Based on the results of this
study found that the variable work discipline known t
of 3.056> t
of 2,021, then H
is rejected (accept
), which means the work discipline influence on employee performance. Motivation variable value is
known t
4.198> t
of 2,021, then H
is rejected (accept H
), which means the effect of motivation on
employee performance. Variable commitment of the organization known t
2,976> of 2,021, then H
rejected (accept H
), which means that organizational commitment influence on employee performance.
o | in_ID |