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dc.contributor.authorFitriana, Titi Sahidah
dc.contributor.authorFitria, Nurindah
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dc.description.abstractIn Indonesia, attachment styles research gradually become more and more popular. Still, there is no publication made about the validation of attachment styles scales for adult. Attachment styles, the way people relate to others and feel about their self, are proven to be a significant factor to predict people’s psychological condition, well-being and health. This study aimed to adapt Attachment Styles Questionnaire (ASQ) from Oudenhoven in Indonesian language and culture. ASQ consists of 24 items each is rated on 5-point scale (1-5) and has 4 dimensions which are secure, fearful, preoccupied and dismissing. The adaptation process was arranged in two steps. In the first step, we translated ASQ and then panel discussion was held to discuss the translated draft. The agreed translation draft was retranslated into English version by professional with psychology background. There was no significant difference between the backward translation results with the original draft. Thereafter, the ASQ Indonesian version was reviewed by 12 people with various levels of age and education. From this reviewed process, there was some minor revision in the scale. The second step, we tested ASQ into 604 people with various sex, age, and social economy background. The reliability, validity and factor analytic structure of the scale were evaluated and reference scores for study samples were calculated. After deleting some items with low factor loading, the scale demonstrated good psychometric properties and factor analysis yielded four factors.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectattachment stylesin_ID
dc.titleValidation of Attachment Styles Questionnaire in Indonesian Culturein_ID

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