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dc.contributor.authorAmbarwulan, Herwinda Suci
dc.contributor.authorHaryanthi, Luh Putu Suta
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Aging & Mental Health. 12(3), 357-365.in_ID
dc.description.abstractAccording to data from the Indonesian Health Research in 2013, trend of cancer as Noncommunicable Disease increased from rank of seventh in 2007 to the second as the leading cause of death in Indonesia. Treatment of cancer itself have many impacts not only physically but also psychosocial for patients (Costanzo, Ryff, and Singer, 2009). Cancer patients are struggling to deal with uncomfortable and difficult situations in their lives, this terminology is known as resilience. Being resilient patients, they can manage many difficulities and challenges with coping succesfuly (Waugh, Thompson, and Gotlib, 2011). The aim of this study is to examine the effect of self-efficacy as an internal source and social support as an external source for cancer patient’s resilience. This study were involved approximately 123 cancer patients in C-Tech Labs Edwar Technology. Data analysis method has been used in this study was multiple regression. The result shows that there are a significant effect of selfefficacy and social support to resilience of cancer patients. Minor hypothesis test shows that mastery experience, the ability of individuals obtained by combining cognitive, behavioral, and self-regulatory to determine the pace in achieving something, has significant affect on resilience positively. While tangible assistance, the real help given directly to individuals who receive assistance such as services, financial assistance, and other necessary, has significant affect on resilience negatively. Based on the findings, cancer patients should encourage themselves in learning with cancer support group.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectCancer patients resiliencein_ID
dc.subjectsocial supportin_ID
dc.subjectnon-communicable diseasein_ID
dc.titleThe Effect of Self Efficacy and Social Support for Cancer Patients of C-Tech Labs Edwar Technology Resiliencein_ID

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