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dc.contributor.authorAulia, Farah
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dc.description.abstractSchool has a great influence on the development of children, because children spend most of their time in school. As the children endure various experiences during the school, those experiences may bring both positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions is associated with the children wellbeing that can affect a child's ability to participate and be bound by the school. This experience will have a vital role in the lives of children and determine their future in association with the academic, social, and also work sphere. This study aimed to describe the children experiences during the school day, school-related feelings and experiences related to bullying. Data were collected through a survey on 258 primary school children in grades 4 and 5 in Yogyakarta. Data analysis with qualitative descriptive showed that children experience positive and negative emotions associated with the school due to some external factors items, namely relations with peers in school, learning activities in schools, bullying, school rules, teachers and academic achievement. The results of this study have implications for the school to create a more positive school climate that will support positive experiences of children and support the wellbeing of children.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleChildren Experience in School Life and Its Association with Wellbeingin_ID

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