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dc.contributor.authorSurbakti, Natangsa
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dc.description.abstractOne among the function of law is as a tool of social engineering which may be interpreted as an instrument to promote the social development toward a nationally expected condition. This conceptual frame means that law should be continuously developed in line with the development of the society. Within the context of crime control in general and especially on the abolishment of harshness on woman, it is necessary to perform the socialization of gender justice through legislation and its implementation in state, social and individual life. In short words, the implementation of justice gender which has been adopted in the national legislation should be primarily the attention of all law enforcement agencies.en_US
dc.subjectkebijakan sosialen_US
dc.subjectkebijakan penegakan hukumen_US
dc.subjectkebijakan penanggulangan kejahatanen_US

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