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dc.contributor.authorRokhmah, Sakinah Nur
dc.contributor.authorAirlangga, Pangestu Dwipa
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Bayu Adha
dc.identifier.citation[1] Public Communication Center (2012) Tuberkulosis masih merupakan Masalah Kesehatan Penting di Dunia dan di Indonesia. Available at: Accessed in March 2016. [2] Indonesian Lung Doctor Association/ILDA (2006) Tuberkulosis, Pedoman Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan di Indonesia. Accessed in February 2014. [3] Saudi Med J, 2013. WHO New Release; Vol. 34 (11). Fact Sheet No, 104. accessed in February 2014. [4] Purba, et al (2008) Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien dengan Masalah Psikososial dan Gangguan Jiwa. Medan: USU Press. [5] Vazquez, et al (2009) Psychological Well Being and Health. Contributions Of Positive Psychology Annuary Of Clinical And Health Psychology, 5 15 27. [6] Sudoyo A (2006) Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam jilid 2 Edisi IV. Jakarta: Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI. [7] Depdiknas (2000) Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka. [8] Salim (1990) Bina Diri dan Pelayanan Terapeutik Anak Tunadaksa. Surakarta: UNS Press. [9] Compton W (2005) An Introduction Positive Psychology. Wadsworth: Thomson Learning [10] Ryff CD, et al (2006). Psychological well-being and ill-being: Do they have distinct or mirrored biological correlates? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. [11] Neumann LJ (1999) Paper, Piles and Computer Files: Folklore of Information Work Environments. Library Trends, 47 (1), 440-469. [12] Vickers, Earl. (2007). Coping With Speech Noise In The Modern Workplace. The Sound Guy, Inc.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe global high prevalence of Tuberculosis must be a concern, especially in Indonesia. The cases of Tuberculosis in Indonesia increase, but the Case Notification Rate (CNR) during 2011 to 2014 was stagnant due to the lack of public knowledge about tuberculosis. The behavioral changes of people with tuberculosis include depression as the result of long-term medication consumption, increased distance within family relationships and friendship, as well as difficulty in socialization due to the effect of the high disease transmission risk. As the consequences, people with tuberculosis experience low self-esteem resulting in the demotivation for consuming medicines and the decreased role both within the family and the community. The author initiates an idea to use an eudaimonic approach: Cafeku (Care for Endemic Tuberculosis) for tuberculosis patients. The rehabilitation means to exert influence through the mechanism of the search for meaning of life, individual behavior and social adjustment. The result of the eudaimonic approach can be a positive feeling, which can affect negatively to stress that occurs in people with tuberculosis. Stress and ANS-HPA have an inversely relationship. As the stress decreases, ANS and HPA increase, which supports the immune system in the body of patients with tuberculosis. The establishment of CAFEKU requires the active role of the health professionals in hospitals as well as in Government’s policy.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleCare For Endemic Tuberculosis (CAFEKU): Facility Of Tuberculosis Rehabilitation (An Eudaimonic Approach)in_ID

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