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dc.contributor.authorKarimah, Rinda Nurul
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dc.description.abstractBased on Hospital Nutrition Guidance, nutrition care for inpatients has to be adjusted in accordance with patient clinical condition, nutritional and metabolic system. The nutritional needs for inpatients at Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital are calculated manually by nutritionists. In our research, we have developed an information system to systematically manage the nutritional needs for inpatients based on the individual priority. The applied methods in our research combined the qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative method was used to identify the process in every step taken in information system development. While quantitative method was used to measure the quality of information before and after the information system development was applied with pre-experimental research design. The outcome of our research was the information system at nutrition installation in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Bantul. The database parameters had been collected as input of the nutritionist information system which consisted of data from nurses and nutritionists, laboratory and radiology data, diet information, and patients’ medical records. The measurement results revealed that the quality of the information was easier to be accessed from 65% to 80%, the accuracy of information increased from 52.5% to 80%, the timeliness from 50% to 80%, the completeness from 57.5% to 76.35%, the flexibility from 50% to 66.25%, and the clarity from 45% to 75%. The result of this research is useful as the application of a tool to integrate and facilitate the nutritionists to maintain patients’ nutrition in a large environment such as hospital.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectnutritional carein_ID
dc.subjectinformation system developmentin_ID
dc.subjectHospital’s Nutrition Guidancein_ID
dc.titleInformation System Development To Support Nutrition Care At Nutrition Installation In RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul, DIYin_ID

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