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dc.contributor.authorHerawati, Isnaini
dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Siti Nur
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dc.description.abstractPrimary hypertension is defined as high BP in which secondary causes such as renovascular disease, renal failure, pheochromocytoma, aldosteronism, or other causes of secondary hypertension or mendelian forms (monogenic) are not present. Essential hypertension accounts for 95% of all cases of hypertension. Hypertension is predicted as the cause of worldwide diseases for 4.5%. Its prevalence is nearly as large in developing countries and in developed countries. The increase of hypertension case is predicted for about 80% in 2025 occurring in developing countries. There are many kinds of treatment for hypertension; one of them is progressive muscle relaxation exercises. To examine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation exercises to decrease blood pressure for patient with primary hypertension. Quasi experimental study with one group pre test and post test design involved 15 adult patients with age range 34-70 years old. They did progressive muscle relaxation exercises twice a day for twenty minutes for seven days in a row. There was a lowering in systolic Blood Pressure about 7.46 mmHg and 5.73 mmHg for diastolic Blood pressure. It was found that Wilcoxon signed ranks test available value of Z -2.669 (p-value 0.008) in systolic blood pressure and the available value of Z -1.769 (p-value 0.077) in diastolic blood pressure. Progressive muscle relaxation exercises effect to decrease in systolic blood pressure for patients with primary hypertension, whereas diastolic blood pressure showed no different effect.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectPrimary Hypertensionin_ID
dc.subjectprogressive muscle relaxationin_ID
dc.subjectblood pressurein_ID
dc.titleEffect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise to Decrease Blood Pressure for Patients With Primary Hypertensionin_ID

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