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dc.contributor.authorFarhah, Eva
dc.contributor.authorDardiri, Taufiq A.
dc.contributor.authorManshur, Fadlil Munawwar
dc.contributor.authorSetiawati, Siti Muti’ah
dc.identifier.citationAbdullah, Imran Teuku, 1991. Hikayat Meukutu Alam: Suntingan Teks dan Terjemahan beserta Telaah Struktur dan Resepsi. Penerbit Intermasa, Jakarta. Abu Zahrah, Muhammad. 1996. Ibnu Chazm: Chayātuhu wa ‘Ashruhu-Arāuhu wa Fiqhuhu, Dārul-Fikr al-‘Araby: Kairo. ‘Aid, Yusuf. 2006. Dafātir Andalusiyyah fi sy-Syi’ri wan-Naqdi wal-Chadhārati walA’lām. Al-Mu’assasah al-Chadītsah lilkuttāb Tharābulus: Libanon. Asy-Syarif, Al-‘Arabiy Salim. 2003. Dirāsāt fi al-Adab al-Andalusiy. Dār Syumu’ atsTsaqafa: Kairo. Bunduq, Shahabā’ Muhammad. 2006. Al-Chubbu: kaifa Nafhamuhu wa Kaifa Numārisuhu. Ath-Thab`atul-ūlā, Al-Qāhirah: Dārus Salām. Goldmann, Lucien. 1977. The Hidden God. Routledge and Kegan Paul: London. ______________. 1980. Method in the Sociology of Literature. Basil Blackwell Publisher: England. Haikal, Achmad. 2008. Al-Adab al-Andalusiy: min al-Fatchi ilā Suqūthi al-Khilāfah. Cetakan ke-15. Dār al-Ma’ārif: Kairo. Ibnu Chazm, Abu Muhammad Ali bin Ahmad. 2001. Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal- Ullāfi , ditachqiq oleh Thahir Achmad Makki. Ath-Thab`ah al-Ūlā. Dār al-Charam lil-Turāts, Sūrul-Azbakiyyah: Kairo. _____________________________________. 2002. Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah walUllāf, ditachqiq oleh Thaha ‘Abdurrauf Sa’ad. Ath-Thab’ah al-Ūlā. Dār al-Charam lil-Turāts, Sūrul-Azbakiyyah: Kairo. Junus, Umar. 1986. Sosiologi Sastera: Persoalan Teori dan Metode. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka: Kuala Lumpur. Kennedy, Hugh. 2007. The Great Arab Conquests. Pustaka Alvabet: Jakarta. Magill, Frank N. 1989. Masterpieces of World Literature. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco, London, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo. Makki, Thahir Achmad. 1987. Dirāsāt Andalusiyyah fī al-Adab wa at-Tārīkh wal Falsafah. Dar al-Ma’arif: Kairo. ___________________. 1993. Dirasat ‘an Ibn Chazm wa Kitābihi “Thauq al- Chamamah”. Cetakan ke-4. Dār al-Ma’ārif: Kairo. _____________________. 2001. Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf. Cetakan ke-6, Dār al-Ma’ārif: Kairo. Riffaterre, Michael. 1978. Semiotics of Poetry. Indiana University Press: Blomington & London.in_ID
dc.description.abstractIn 404 Hijri / 1014 C, Andalusia of Cordoba suffered chaotic situations not only in politics but also in other segments of life, especially in sex. Free sex fl ourished and remained arguable. Based on the situation above, Prince Ubaidillah bin Abdurrachman bin alMughirah bin Amirul-Mu’minin An-Nashir, the grandson of Khalifah An-Nashir, asked Ibnu Chazm Al-Andalusia to write a love story with its complexity in a book. This research elaborates the genetic process of the text “ThauqulChamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf” that is considered a great work by either Arabians or non-Arabians. This work is also considered to be the fi rst work elaborating love and its complexity as its theme. Furthermore, this research disscusses the view of Ibnu Chazm Al-Andalusy about the concept of love (al-chubbun-nazhary) written in the text. The research adopts genetic structuralism theory with its emphasis on literary text (intrinsic analysis), socio cultural background (historic social reality observation), and the writer. The method is dialectic method, mutual relations between structures of a literary work (the intrinsic features of “ThauqulChamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf”), historic materialism (socio cultural background of Andalusia at the time the work was written), and the writer of “ThauqulChamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf”. Therefore, the “Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf” analysis techniques can be done in three ways: (1) revealing one of the text “Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf” structures by its love concept theme to build up the text and understand the whole structures, (2) revealing socio cultural backgroung of Andalusian people at the time Ibnu Chazm lived and was raised, and (3) revealing the writer’s social groups and their visions by their hipogram and transformation works. This Ibnu Chazm’s vision eventually becomes the embrio of the text “Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf”. The result of the analysis concluded by revealing the issue described in the second and third ways can be used to understand the concept of love in the text “Thauqul-Chamāmah fi l-Ilfah wal-Ullāf”. Eventually this research reveals that Ibnu Chazm’s direct observation to the people of Andalusia where he lived and was raised initiated the genetic process of the text. He formulated what he gained from his observation to be his vision. This vision became the base of “Thauqul-Chamāmah Fil-Ilfah wal-Ullāf”. The conclusion of the research is that according to Ibnu Chazm, most people relate loves to syahwat, free sex, porns, and things like that. However, he sees talking about love as expressing one’s tender feeling from the bottom of his heart to fi nd the truth of love but not to do disgrace and not to do something forbidden by the syariah because love exists in one’s heart and soul. Meanwhile, Allah SWT holds his heart. Love is about heart and heart belongs to Allah SWT. Therefore, according to Ibnu Chazm, the concept of love must be based on syariah. In another word, the theory of love, the cause of love, expressing love, mantaining love, meeting and “leaving” the one we love must be based on Al Quran and Hadits.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM UMSin_ID
dc.subjectPolitical chaosin_ID
dc.subjectFree sexin_ID
dc.subjectGenetic structuralismin_ID
dc.subjectDialectic methodin_ID
dc.subjectDirect observationin_ID
dc.subjectHistoric realityin_ID
dc.subjectThe concept of love based on syariahin_ID
dc.titlePandangan Dunia Ibnu Chazm Al-Andalusy Tentang Konsep Cinta (Al-Chubbun-Nazhary) Analisis Strukturalisme Genetik Terhadap Teks “Thauqul-Chamāmah Fil-Ilfah Wal-Ullāf”in_ID

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