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dc.contributor.authorHabiby, Wahdan Najib
dc.identifier.citationAchwan, Roihan. 1991, “Prinsip-prinsip Pendidikan Islam Versi Mursi”, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Volume 1, IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. an-Nahlawi, Abdurrahman. Ushulut Tarbiyah Islamiyah wa Asalibiha fi Baiti wal Madrasati wal Mujtama', 1983. Dar alFikr al-Mu'asyir, Beiru-Libanon, Cet. II, Terj., Shihabuddin, Pendidikan Islam di Rumah Sekolah dan Masyarakat, 1995. Yogyakarta: Gema Insani Press. Ashraf ,Syed Sajjad Husain dan Syed Ali. 1986. Crisis Muslim Education., Terj. Rahmani Astuti, Krisis Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Risalah. Fanani, Muhyar. 2007. Pudarnya Pesona Ilmu Agama. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Haslam, Alexander S. (2001). “Psychology in Organizations - The Social Identitty Approach”. Sage Journal, London: Sage Publications Ltd Hidayat, Samsul. Sudarno Shobron, Mahasri Shobahiyah. (2013). Studi Kemuhammadiyahan: kajian Historis, Ideologis, dan Organisasi. Surakarta: LPIK UMS Husnaini, Muhammad. (2010). Membumikan Gerakan Ilmu dalam Muhammadiyah. Ed., Jabrohim.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. (diakses tanggal 27 Juli 2016) Samino. 2015. Filsafat Pendidikan. Kartasura: Fairuz Media Samovar, Larry A. Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel. (2009). Communication Between Cultures. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Slavin, Robert. 2006. Education Psychology Theory and Practice. Boston: Pearson Tilaar, H.A.R. Riant Nugroho. 2009. Kebijakan Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajarin_ID
dc.description.abstractMuhammadiyah’s education catch a vital role in the national constellation of education, not only from the aspect of history, but also the quality of education where always active coloring learners excel in Indonesia. The concept of education at Muhammadiyah which combines Islamic science and general science has proven able to raise the dignity and the degree of population of the Archipelago (particularly the Muslim community). This times the challenges and demands of the reform in education at Muhammadiyah also faster and faster, as almost all aspects of sciences has been dominated by the Western paradigm. The Problems of Muhammadiyah education in facing westernization in all aspects should need to get more attention. These concerns can be started from the provision of prospective educators "Muhammadiyah quality". Its mean That the graduate where produced by LPTK PTM has a balanceing Scientific insight into Islamization and general scientific insights. Thus, the competence of graduates LPTK PTM can be aplied scientific values base on religious values, where their competence will be used to educate and implemente at all levels of national education. The ability to combine these two poles of science graduates into the identity of LPTK PTM hit her to over looked. Strengthening identity graduates and Workforce Education Institutions of Higher Education of Muhammadiyah (PTM LPTK) at least can be stating in three ways, namely to train and sharpen their ability to think philosophically, infiltration of the Islamic insight into the lecture material, and reconsept “baitul arqom” for Muhammadiyah’s lecturers. Indeed, implementing these three steps is not easy, but the effort to strengthen the identity of the remains to be done in order to graduate LPTK PTM can really fulfill the KH. Ahmad Dahlan ideals appointment.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectStudent Identityin_ID
dc.subjectStrenghtening Identityin_ID
dc.subjectMuhammadiyah’s Educatorsin_ID
dc.titlePenguatan Identitas Mahasiswa Calon Tenaga Pendidik Muhammadiyahin_ID

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