Aktivitas Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (IMC) Pemerintah Kota Ambon dalam Megkomunikasikan Brand “ Amboncity Of Music “ melalui Kegiatan Tiga Pilar IMC
Ambon city is one of the tourist destinations in the province of Maluku, kept the charm and appeal of natural, historical, religious, culinary, education, art, culture and customs. In the field of art and culture of the people of Ambon City, especially in the arts of music, become a characteristic and distinguishing competitive advantage and compete with other regions to
attract visitors to come enjoy, bekspresi through music attractions and organize a variety of performances. To develop and trigger the development of musical art in the city of Ambon, Ambon city government felt the need to form a brand that became a brand differentiator and became icons of tourism in Ambon. Brand "Ambon City of Music" was initiated in hopes of
becoming a starting point for the development of city Ambon become more competitive through an integrated marketing communications activities in brand communication. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the concept of the three pillars of IMC in the steps taken by the Government of Ambon in communicating the brand "Ambon City of Music". other research method used is descriptive qualitative case study approach. In the study, researchers found that the government of the city of Ambon has made strategic moves in IMC pillar concept is to approach audiences (government, private sector / stakeholder, elements of the community) and the media (elements of the marketing communication mix).