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dc.description.abstract | This paper tries to find the integration Saka Calendar with Hijriah Calendar in Javanese Soceity. The research background of this paper, first the attention of Javanese muslim in particular and all Indonesian muslim in general toward Hijriyah Calendar is decressed. Second, the effort of Muhammadiyah unifiying Islamic calendar in the universe. Then the research question of this paper is how do/work the integration procces Saka Calendar with Hijriah Calendar in Javanese soceity? To answer the question, the author uses the historical approach and to analyze the answer the author takes the theoritical frame work of Ian Barbour these are conflict, independent, dialogue, and integration. The Results of this research: there is acrucial conflict in the integration between Saka Calendar and Hijriah Calendar. The rise of the conflict is based on cultural ideology that has been living in Javanese culture. First, Javanese people commiting to Saka Calendar believe that a calendar is not only a signing number of time, but also as a connection with their next destiny, lucky or unlucky for their life in the world. Second Muslims think that Hijriah Calendar becomes a prior meassurement to make sure is a ritual and a ceremonial allowable or not allowable before/toward God. Third, the integration Saka Calendar and Hijriah Calendar by Sultan Agung is more oriented to political background than religious one. He has integrated the Calendars as a strategy to build a good relationship with the Senior Muslim Saint of God, Sunan Giri in East Java, and to acomodate the need of Muslim Santris growing massively in Javanese island. | in_ID |