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dc.contributor.authorYaminulloh, Sholeh
dc.contributor.authorMustika Ratna Aulia, Putri
dc.contributor.authorDwi Noor Anggraeni, Radhita
dc.contributor.authorFikri Firdaus Bakri, Dzaki
dc.contributor.authorDwi Autarina Ardiyanti, Laras
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dc.description.abstractThe treatment of pain there are many drawbacks such leave interfere with liver function, renal, gastrointestinal, and blood clots, and can cause aplastic anemia that required drug consumption ismore practical. (Wilmana, 1995). Purpose: This study aimed to formulate anti-pain drugs transdermally using ethanol extract sembung and monoterpenes safer with minimal side effects. Methods:In this study, transdermal patch preparation with the composition of HPMC, PVP, glyserin, ethanol, and the extract condensed with 7 x 10 cm. In testing the power of analgesic used test animals Wistar male rats strain as much as 20 tails were divided into 5 groups. Each distinguished its extract concentration and given negative control (alcohol) as well as the positive control. After 10 minutes, all the test animals are inoculated intraperitoneally with 1% acetic acid as the induction of pain. During the first hour, all the test animals were observed and recorded thenstretchs calculated % analgesic strenght. Results and conclusions: The provision of 1% acetic acid intraperitoneally effects of pain characterized by stretching. Analysis% analgesic strenght after T test showed that the patch formulation A on male Wistarrats strain can lower pain response significantly compared to the positive control group (p <0.05). This formulation has great potential to be developed as a pain killer in the future.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID

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