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dc.contributor.authorNurrahman, Nurrahman
dc.contributor.authorMariyam, Mariyam
dc.identifier.citationAstawan, M, T. Wresdiyati, Suliantari, dan Y.MS. Nababan. 2012. Yoghurt sinbiotik berbasis probiotik lokal dapat mencegah diare dan mengubah status hematologi tikus. Jurnal Veteriner, 13(2): 145-153. Depkes. 2008. Manajementerpadubalitasakit. Depkes, Jakarta Elliott, E.J. 2007. Acute Gastroenteritis in Children.BMJ, vol 334; 35-40. Hartanti AW. 2010. Evaluasi Aktivitas Antidiare Isolat Lactobacillus dari Air Susu Ibu [tesis]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor Hermana, M. Karmini dan D. Karyadi. 1996. Komposisi dan nilai gizi tempe serta manfaatnya dalam peningkatan mutu gizi makanan. Dalam. Sapuan dan N. Soetrisno, eds. 1996. Bunga Rampai Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta, hal. 61-67. Yayasan Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta. Janda JM, Abbott SL. 2006. The Enterobacteria. Second Ed. Washington: ASM Press. Karmini, M. 1996. Tempe dan infeksi. Dalam. Sapuan dan N. Soetrisno (eds.). 1996. Bunga Rampai Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta, hal. 91-100. Yayasan Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta. Muscari ME. 2001. Panduan Belajar Keperawatan Pediatrik. Edisi 3. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Nurrahman. 2012. Potensi Tempe Kedelai Hitam dalam meningkatkan Kadar IgA Sekretori dan Proliferasi Limfosit in vivo. Disertasi. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, Yogyakarta. Nurrahman. 2015. Evaluasi komposisi zat gizi dan senyawa antioksidan kedelai hitam dan kedelai kuning. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan, 4(3): 89-93. Nurrahman, M. Astuti, Suparmo dan M.H.N.E. Soesatyo. 2011. The effect of black soybeans tempe and it’s ethanol extract on lymphocyte proliferation and IgA secretion in Salmonella typhimurium induced rat. Afri. J. Food Scie., 5(14): 775 – 779. Nurrahaman dan Nurhidajah. 2014. Pengaruh Konsumsi Tempe Kedelai Hitam terhadap Berat Badan Tikus. Proseding Seminar Hasil-hasil Penelitian UNIMUS, Semarang. Rimbach, G., C.B. Saadatmandi, J. Frank, D. Fuchs, U. Wenzel, H. Daniel, W.L. Hall and P.D. Weinberg. 2008. Dietary isoflavones in the prevention of cardiovascular disease-A molecular prespective. Food and Chem. Toxicol., 46:1308- 1319. Soenarto, Y., Sudigbia, I., Herman., Karmini., dan Karyadi. 2001. Antidiarrheal characteristic of tempe produced traditionally and industrially in children aged 6-24 months with acute diarrhea. Pediatrica Indonesiana, Vol 41: 88- 95. Sudigbia, P. 1996. Tempe dalamPenatalaksanaanDiareAnak. Dalam. Sapuan dan N. Soetrisno (eds.). 1996. Bunga Rampai Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta, hal. 71-82. Yayasan Tempe Indonesia, Jakarta. Villar, D.G., Sautu, B.C and Granados, A. 2012. Acute Gastroenteritis. Pediatrics in Review, vol 33 (11): 487-495. Wang, H.L., Vespa, Janet B. And Haseltin, C.W. 1972. Release of 42 bound trypsin inhibitors in soybeans by Rhizopus oligosporus. Jurnal of Nutrition, 102(11).in_ID
dc.description.abstractBlack soybean tempe detected contains 14 amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, anthocyanins and isoflavones, all of which are good for health. This study aims to determined the effect of black soybean tempe consumption to the growth of body weight and water content of feces in rat infected with Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). A total of 30 rats were grouped into 6 (six), each group a total of 5 rats. Rats were placed in individual cages at room temperature (25 - 27oC) and maintained for 28 days. Five groups of rat infected with EPEC with a population of 107 cfu / mL in 1 mL per day 10 for seven days (day 11 to 17), orally using a sonde. The parameters analyzed include weight gain, The look of stool and water content of the stool. The results showed that giving diet black soybean tempe significantly affect the growth of body weight and water content of the feces of rat infected with EPEC. Appearence rat feces the control group positive are a sign of diarrhea score of 1 with an oval, slightly brown color and a bit mushy, while the other group of normal. Conclusion research are giving black soybean tempe influenced the look and faecal moisture content as well as the growth rate of body weight of rat infected with EPEC higher than rat infected with EPEC and not given the black soybean tempe.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectblack soybean tempein_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Tempe Kedelai Hitam Terhadap Berat Badan dan Kadar Air Feses Tikus Yang Diinfeksi Dengan Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli (EPEC)in_ID

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