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dc.contributor.authorWijianto, Wijianto
dc.contributor.authorSubroto, Subroto
dc.identifier.citationBelonio, A. T., 2005, Rice Husk Gas Stove Handbook, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Management College of Agriculture, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City Philippines Campbell, P.E., 2005. Advanced Combustion and Gasification of Fuel Blends, Northern Ireland Centre for Energy Research and Technology. Dassapa, S., Paul, P.J., 2001, Gasification of Char Particle Beds : Analysis and Results, Int.J.Eng.Res. 25, pp. 1053-1072 Ristiyo Soni, 2014. Studi Pengujian Karakteristik Gasifikasi Berbahan Limbah Grajen Glugu dengan Variasi Kecepatan Udara. Skripsi. Surakarta : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Gultom Frandy Harison, 2014. Pengaruh Luas Lubang Input Udara Sekunder Terhadap 48 Kinerja Tungku Gasifikasi Biomassa dengan Aliran Udara Alami. Skripsi. Yogyakarta : Jurusan Teknik Pertanian, Fakultas Teknoloogi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Subroto., Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja Kompor Methanol Dengan Variasi Diameter Burner, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, MEDIA MESIN, Vol. 15, No. 1, Januari 2014, 10- 16, ISSN 1411-4348. Wijianto, Subroto, Sarjito, 2015, Analysis Of Combustion Temperature In The Chopped Wood Gasification Process With Air Velocity Variation, International Conference on Science, Technology, and Humanity (ISETH) 2015 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta A. 05 PP 28 -35, ISSN 2477-3328in_ID
dc.description.abstractGasification is a process of energy conversion at thermo chemical process where is a solid fuel changed into a fuel gas. The process it occur at a device that called gasifer. Gasification process is done by limiting of oxygen (O 2 ) that entering the gasifier. In general, gasification process produce gases such as CH 4 , H 2 and CO as well as other compounds such as H 2 S, CO 2 and Tar. This study aimed to obtain the best of combustion temperature and time flame effective by variation of air flow rate in gasifier and variation of biomass.This research is based on the updraft gasifier. Gas that is produced by gasification proces flows into the burner, where the direction is the same as the flow of air from the blower. Variation of air flow that are produced by air blower are used to supply oxygen in the reactor. Biomass wastes such as pieces of bamboo, rice straw, wood chips, and rice husks are used as raw material for gasification process. All biomass waste is crushed in order to obtain uniform size using 20 mesh.Results from this Research is showed that the best air flow at speed 10 m/s and the best raw material as source of heat at gasification proces is rice husk. This gasification produce the effective flame for as long as 33 minutes and the average of temperature is of 600 o C.in_ID
dc.subjecteffective flamein_ID
dc.titleVariasi Kecepatan Aliran Udara Pada Tungku Gasifikasi Limbah Biomassa Terhadap Nyala Efektif dan Temperatur Pembakaranin_ID

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