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dc.contributor.authorNisa, Khoirun
dc.contributor.authorLestari, Sri
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dc.description.abstractThis research aim to describe about the psychological dynamics of hardiness of mother who divorced single parent. The research used qualitative approach, which in-depth interview and event sampling method were performed to gather data. The result shows that hardiness begins with the commitment, that in this phase the mother will decide to be a single parent. The next two phases are self control and facing the challenges. The third phase is motivated by the hope for future live of their children. These three phases support to the finding of Maddi and Kobasa (2005). On the last phase, the mother will take wisdom from their life experience. This research also found that the spirituality dimensions have involved in each phase. The spiritual values that come up are submission, patient and gratitude. Factors that would affect to hardiness of single parent are farewell causes, family and social support, academic motivation of the children and employment status.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectsingle parentin_ID
dc.titleDinamika Psikologis Hardiness Pada Ibu Sebagai Orang Tua Tunggal Karena Perceraianin_ID

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