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dc.contributor.authorChristianingrum, Yulia
dc.contributor.authorUtari, Prahastiwi
dc.contributor.authorWijaya, Mahendra
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Multicultural education is very important to learn. Because of pluralistic Indonesian society and the posibility of the horizontal conflicts that may happen because of it. This educational community is expected to realized society peacement. Non-formal education about multicultural society is a new idea or an innovation. Analyzing the spread and acceptance of a new idea or innovation is very important and interesting. How can something that's new (innovations) can be accepted by the community becomes a tool to solve (problem solving) problems that occur in everyday life. This theme becomes attractive to researchers because of the multicultural education to the community do in Surakarta (Solo), where Solo has a reputation as a city of "short wick". Solo city known for acts of religious violence such as the bombing of the church in 2011 and the violence against Chinese citizens in the late 1990s. How about multicultural education programs can be shared and accepted by the people of Solo that could ultimately change the reputation of the city prone to unrest into the peaceful town. Multicultural Education in Surakarta as a new innovation in the realm of science communication can be studied using the theoretical basis of innovation diffusion. Diffusion of innovation theory basically describes the process of how an innovation delivered (communicated) through certain channels over time to a group of members of the social system. Subject and Method: Aspects of communication that will be examined in this study is a communication process that occurs in the spread and acceptance of multicultural education programs to the community in Surakarta with emphasis on the study focus communicators and communicant. In this study is a qualitative case study. Furthermore, in this research use purposive sampling. Results of research on the spread and acceptance of multicultural education showed that happen leaps adopter of delivering a message to a particular category. That is not always the adopter categories below to get the message about the multicultural education of adopter category one level above. Resource category early adopter majority and late majority in the Village Mill obtain information on the category of innovators through instistusi village. This occurred because the information network system in the village mill has been running well. Resource category in the village late majority adopters Mojosongo and Sangkrah get information from the early adopter category. Resource category in the village early majority Danukusuman get information from a category innovator. While in the village Pajang dissemination of information in accordance with the stages set out in the theory of diffusion of innovation. Category laggard remain scattered randomly throughout the city of Surakarta. This adopter category are individuals who reject the existence of differences. They are part of a radical community organizations that can not accept the difference in the community. Like coercing in upholding its principles.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectEducation Multiculturin_ID
dc.subjectdiffusion inovationin_ID
dc.subjectpeace buildingin_ID
dc.subjectcommunication strategyin_ID
dc.titlePeran Komunikasi Dalam Penyebaran Dan Penerimaan Edukasi Multikultural Kota Surakarta (Studi Kasus Peran Komunikator Dan Komunikan Dalam Penyebaran Dan Penerimaan Edukasi Multikultural 5 Kelurahan Di Kota Surakarta)in_ID

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