Penentuan Prioritas Pengembangan Jalur Hijau Menggunakan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Di Kota Surakarta
This study aims to determine the distribution of the green belt on arterial and collector roads and prioritize the development of the green belt in the arterial and collector roads. The data sources used include Quickbird Imagery In 2013, secondary data and field surveys. The research method used survey method is like was conducted by examining the interpretation of canopy density using Quickbird image. The survey was also conducted to retrieve a volume of data traffic and the comfort level. Sampling was conducted using purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is quantitative analysis tiered by giving dignity to each of the variables of the determinants of the priority development of the green belt by utilizing Geographic Information System software. Based on the research results, the distribution of the green belt located on arterial roads and collector roads in the city of Surakarta. Percentage is mostly on the arterial road at Slamet Riyadi street. 28.461% on arterial roads and collector roads in Surakarta desperately needs development of green belt. Priority development of green belt Surakarta on arterial roads on a priority I includes Ahmad Yani street, Dr. Radjiman, Jend. Sudirman, for collector roads include Veteran, Adi Sucipto, Kyai Mojo, Kapt. Mulyadi, Tangkuban Perahu and Yos Sudarso street. The volume of traffic on this road was dominant has a very high volume. Activities that occur therein causing the volume to increase, especially at peak hours. Some of them street close to the center of goverment and became the center of the economy. Conditions densities in the green belt of moderate to very rarely reduce the level of comfort on the road section. In certain conditions, the air temperature will increase and humidity decreases