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dc.contributor.authorAulia Kurniawati, Dian
dc.contributor.authorSetyowati Esti Rahayu, Heni
dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Kartika
dc.identifier.citationBasuki, 2007. Anatomi Terapan Sistem Respirasi. Surakarta: Akademi Fisioterapi Batbual, B. (2010). Hypnosis Hypnobirthing: Nyeri Persalinan dan Berbagai Metode Penanganannya. Yogyakarta: Gosyen Publising Black, J. M., & Hawks. (2005). Medical surgical nursing:Critical management for positive outcome. Missouri: Elsevier Saunders Budiarti, K. (2011). Tesis: Hubungan Akupresur dengan Tingkat Nyeri dan Lama Persalinan Kala I pada Ibu Primipara di Garut. Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatn Universitas Indonesia Gibbson, L . et all. (2010). The Global Numbers and Costs of Additionally Needed and Unne cessary Caesarean Sections Performed per Year: Overase as a Barter to Universal Coverage. World Health Report Harper. (2006). Kulit Cantik Berkat Akupresur dan Akupunctur: Artikel. Dikutip dari: hptt:// Diakses pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2015 Hidayat, A. A. A & Uliyah, M. (2008). Keterampilan Dasar Praktik Klinik untuk Kebidanan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika Huein, M. C., Feng, Y. C., and Ching, T. H. (2005). Effect of Acupressure on Nausea, Vomiting, Anxiety and Pain among Post-Caesarean Section Women in Taiwan. Vol. 21. No. 8. Kaohsiung J Med Sci Jaelani. (2009). Aromaterapi terapi. Jakarta: Pustaka Populer Obor Mander, R. (2004). Nyeri Persalinan. Jakarta: EGC Nani, D., Maryati, S., Rahmaharyanti, R. (2015). Reserch Article: Effect of acupressure therapy point HT 6 and LI 4 on post cesarean sectio’s pain. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. Nani D et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Dec;3(Suppl 1):S119-S122. Purwokerto: Prodi Ilmu Keperawatan, UNSOED Potter & Perry. (2006). Buku Ajar Fundamental Keperawatan: Konsep, Proses, dan Praktik. Jakarta: EGC Pratiwi, A. (2011). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Transkultural. Edisi Pertama. Yogyakarta: Gosyen Publishing Profil Dinas Kesehatan. (2010). Profil Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Purwandari, F., Rahmalia, S., dan Sabrian, F. (2013). Efektifitas Terapi Aroma Lemon Terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri pada Pasien Post Laparatomi. Riau: Universitas Riau Salfariani, I. (2012). Faktor Pemilihan Persalinan Sectio Caesarea Tanpa Indikasi Medis Di RSU Bunda Thamrin Medan. http://www.Google.Com/# sclient=psy. Diakses 23 Januari 2013. Shintadewi, R. (2011). Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Musik Terhadap Perubahan Intensitas Nyeri Pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea di Bangsal Kenanga RSUD Wates Kulon Progo. Yogyakarta: STIKES Aisyiyah Tournaire, M; Theau-Yonneau, A. (2007). Complementary and Alternative to Pain Relief During Labor. CAM 2007; 4(4), 409-417. Advance access Publication 15 Maret 2007. Dikutip dari Budiarti, K. (2011). Tesis: Hubungan Akupresur dengan Tingkat Nyeri dan Lama Persalinan Kala I pada Ibu Primipara di Garut. Widyaningrum, H. (2013). Pijat refleksi & 6 terapi alternatif lainya. Jakarta: Media Pressindo Wiknjosastro, H. (2007). Ilmu Bedah Kebidanan. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo Wong. (2010). Easing anxiety with aromatherapy. alternative medicine [Jurnal Online]. Dikutip dalam jurnal penelitian: Purwandari, F, dkk. 2013. Efektifitas Terapi Aroma Lemon Terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Post Laparatomi Yaeni, M. (2013). Analisa Indikasi Dilakukan Persalinan Sectio Caesarea di RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten. Surakarta: UMSin_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground: The number of labor with sectio caesarea in Central Java in every year has increased. Problems that may appear after the sectio caesarea is pain. Lemon Aromatherapy is a kind of aromathic therapy which can use for against the pain and anxiety with linalool contens. Acupressure can also be used to treat the pain. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of lemon aromatherapy and acupressure in against pain intensity of post sectio caesarea. Methods: This research used Quasi Experiment method with two group pret-test and post-test design. The number of samples of research were 40 person, 20 person were in group of lemon aromatherapy and 20 person were in group of acupressure. The sampling techniques used consecutive sampling. Lemon aromatherapy and acupressure were given in 2 days, aromatherapy inhaled for 15 minutes and acupressure performed 30 times during 10 minutes. The measuring instrument which used was Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Result: This study showed that lemon aromatherapy and acupressure were effective to against the pain scale of post sectio caesarea with p value = 0,001 (p < 0,05). Conclusions: Lemon aromatherapy and acupressure were effective to against the pain scale of post sectio caesarea, but acupressure therapy was more effective to against the pain of post sectio caesarea with mean value of acupressure 1,15 bigger than mean of lemon aromatherapy 1,10. Suggestion: both of these therapies can be used as an alternative therapy to against the pain of post sectio caesarea.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectPain of Post Sectio Caesareain_ID
dc.subjectLemon Aromatherapyin_ID
dc.titleAkupresur Efektif Mengatasi Intensitas Nyeri Post Sectio Caesareain_ID

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