Hubungan Pengetahuantentang Perawatan Masa Nifasdengan Praktik Pijat Perut Pasca Persalinan Oleh Dukun Bayi Di Desa Besito Kabupaten Kudus
Traditionally, efforts postnatal care has long been done is based on the heritage and it varies according to the customs and habits of each tribe, such as Javanese have a variety of treatments during the postpartum period. Postnatal care that developed in the community, among others, include: (1) maintenance treatment of personal hygiene, consisting of: bath obligatory post-partum, irrigation vagina using boiled water betel leaves, and menapali belly up vagina using the betel leaf, care to maintain a healthy body , consisting of: treatment with the use pilis, sorting, walikdadah, and wowongan, care to maintain the beauty of the body, consisting of: treatment with the use parem, sitting senden, sleep with a half-sitting position, the use of an octopus, and a herbal drink packaging, special care, consists of: coffee and drinking water wejahan herbal medicine. Health efforts should be made to speed up maternal health and medicine walik culture that developed in the Java community are usually performed by traditional healers is basically an attempt to prevent future pregnancies. However, walik bye to restore the position of the tool carried by the shaman womb can lead to bleeding during childbirth. One phenomenon that occurs with abdominal massage practice occurred in the village of Besito, Besito village midwife according recognition in 2016 occurred two cases of post-partum haemorrhage in the mother due to massage the stomach.n The purpose of this study intuk determine the relationship of mother's knowledge with abdominal massage treatment on postpartum mother in the village Besito Gebog District of Kudus. Type of research is correlative analytic study design. The population in this study were all post partum mothers in the village Besito Holy District in June were 30 orang.Sampel in this study were post partum mothers in the village Besito Holy District in June because the amount is less than 100 then retrieved all, so that a sample of 30 people , The analysis used in this study were univariate and bivariate. The study states the level of knowledge about the treatment of postpartum mothers mostly less as many as 21 people (70%), who have enough knowledge as much as 5 people (16.7%) and who has good knowledge of 4 people (13.3%), most of the postpartum mother did abdominal massage treatments as many as 20 people (66.7%) and that does not do abdominal massage as many as 10 people (33.3%), there is a relationship of mother knowledge with abdominal massage treatment on postpartum mother in the village Besito The District of Kudus.