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dc.contributor.authorSuparni, Suparni
dc.contributor.authorKhanifah, Milatun
dc.contributor.authorFitriyani, Fitriyani
dc.identifier.citationBobak, Irene Bobak L. 2005. Keperawatan Maternitas Edisi 4. EGC. Jakarta. Departemen Kesehatan RI Direktorat Jenderal Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Ibu. 2009. Pedoman Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (PWS-KIA). Unicef. Jakarta. Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Ibu, Ditjen Bina Gizi dan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2012. Factsheet.Jakarta. Janiwarty, Bethsaida & Herry Z P 2013, Pendidikan Psikologi untuk Bidan Suatu Teori dan Terapanya, Rapha Publishing, Yogyakarta. Kemenkes. 2013. Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu di Fasilitas Kesehatan Dasar dan Rujukan. Unicef.Jakarta. Manuaba, IBG dkk. Memahami Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita Edisi 2. EGC. Jakarta. 2012. Moegni, Endi M. 2012. Buku Saku Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu di Fasilitas Kesehatan dasar dan Rujukan. Unicef. Jakarta. Noerpramana, Noor Pramana. 2013. Obstetri Ginekologi. Cakrawala Media. Yogjakarta. Notoatmodjo, S 2012, Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan, Rineka Cipta Jakarta. Nurrobikha; Burhan Asmawati. 2015. Buku Ajar Konsep Kebidanan Edisi 1 Cetakan 1. Deepublish. Yogyakarta. Nursalam. 2013. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Penerbit Salemba. Jakarta. Sari, Ratna Ningrum. 2012, Konsep Kebidanan, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. Sastroasmoro Sudigdo, Ismael Sofyan. 2011. Dasar-Dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinis Edisi ke-4. Sagung Seto.Jakarta. SDKI. 2007. Survei Dinas Kesehatan Indonesia Sofyan, M, Nur Aini & Ruslidjah 2009. 50 Tahun IBI Bidan Menyongsong Masa Depan. PPIBI. Jakarta. Wawan, Dewi M 2010, Teori dan Pengukuran Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Manusia. Nuha Medika. Yogyakarta.in_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still very high. Most maternal deaths can be prevented if it gets adequate treatment in health care facilities. The time factor and the transportation is very decisive in referring high-risk cases. Therefore, detection of risk factors in the mother either by health personnel and the community is one of the important efforts in preventing morbidity and mortality. Methods: This study was conducted by descriptive method. Number of survey respondents there were 83 midwives spread in 5 health centers Pekalongan regency. Univariate data analysis with frequency distribution table. Results: Knowledge of midwives regarding the utilization of KIA book for early detection of pregnant women will be able to help reduce the number of maternal and infant mortality is still high in Indonesia. With the knowledge of good and quite the midwife will be able to detect early risk factors experienced by pregnant women so there will be a delay refer. Conclusions: Most midwives have sufficient knowledge regarding the utilization of KIA book for early detection of high-risk pregnancies. Sugestions: Midwives further improve his knowledge by understanding the contents of the revised books back in order to keep pace with changes KIA newest book (2016).in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectKIA Booksin_ID
dc.titleKnowledge In The Use Of Midwives Kia Book For Early Detection Of High Risk Pregnant Women In The District Pekalongan Year 2016in_ID

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