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dc.contributor.authorZuhana, Nina
dc.contributor.authorSuparni, Suparni
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dc.description.abstractThe use of contraceptives has a great advantage to suppress the growth of population. However, it also gives side effects for its users. Some side effects are quite disturbing and widely experienced by hormonal acceptors is one of them obese. The effect of weight gain in usage of contraceptive implant is usually increased by 1.7%. Changes in weight should be attributed to the person's height to be visible to the body mass index for body mass index (BMI) is an indicator of emaciation and obesity. The purpose of research to determine differences in body mass index before and during the first year of use Implan. The type of the research was analytic methods Prospective study. The instrument of the research used observation sheet measuring the weight and height. In the 78 respondents in April 2015 As of April 2016. Analyzed by quantitative way used T test with 95% confident interval The results of research showed sig 0.0001 (<0.05) that there are differences in body mass index before to after use 1 the contraceptive implant. The health worker should be able to give more precise explanation and counseling before mounting influence on satisfaction / continuity of contraceptive use.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectbody mass indexin_ID
dc.subjectAcceptors Implantin_ID
dc.titleIndeks Massa Tubuh Pada Wanita Akseptor Kb Implan Di Kabupaten Pekalonganin_ID

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