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dc.contributor.authorAsiyah, Nur
dc.contributor.authorRisnawati, Indah
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dc.description.abstractChildbirth is a physiological process, but if it is not maintained and managed properly, the mother can get several complications. Good management during labor can minimize the rupture perineum, because perineum rupture can occur in almost all deliveries. Maternity in upright or side-lying position is more advantages than supine or lithotomy positions which include fewer perineal lacerations and reduce pain.The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of parity on the rupture perineal incidence in straining position between supine and combinations. This type of study is cross-sectional study with all mothers as the population who gave birth in the maternity hospital (RB) Fatimah and Private Practice Midwife (CPM) Kasmanita that fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of respondents was 40. The results used the Fisher Exact Test that can get p value = 0.507 or p> 0,05. Therefore, there is no relationship between parity and perineum rupture at birth mothers with straining position between supine and combination.It can be concluded that parity did not affect the incidence of perineal rupture because ability to lead rescuers in straining, the way to communication with the mother, skills withstand perineum during the expulsion of the head, the suggestion in straining position and episiotomy were quite good.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectrupture perineum incidentin_ID
dc.subjectstraining positionin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Paritas Terhadap Kejadian Ruptur Perineum Pada Posisi Mengejan Antara Telentang Dan Kombinasiin_ID

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