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dc.contributor.authorMucharif, Imam
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dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to investigate the factors and the process of self acceptance on wife who have a blind husband. The researcher used three instruments to collect the data. Those were interview, direct observation, and documentation. The subjects of this research were five woman who had a blind husband at Pertuni Banyumas regency and five man who was the husband of the informance as the resource of secondary data. The validaty which used in this research are triangulation of data resource and technique. Realiblity in this research the writer used openness. The writer used interactive model of analysis to analyze the data from the subject. The results of this research those were : the wife consider that the flaws from the husband forms excess for the wife and the behind of blind husband there were excess such as kindness, have a mature thought, obedient worship, responsible, hard worker, make a heart comfortable, always understand his couple, became place to share the sadness or happiness about everything. In the beginning, the primer informan feel shame to associate with peoplea suround him, but the condition make the informan accept the circumstance, have a broad of conception and no more shame to associte with circles. The informan used to become a good wife for the her husband and always try to serve the husband with patience and used to accept the circumstance. The primer informan served her husband with patience, understand the condition of her husband and try not to demand the income from the husband to fulfill the basic requirements and always try to make her husband happy by making a harmonious family. The condition of household made the informan more patient, more stronger to realize the condition eventought that life was so heavy , the informan never complain and never give up with the circumstance. Although the informan not yet have a child he still believe her husband. Social conception is the skill how to look our self like other people looking themselves. Self acceptance could be influence by education, social support and circles support.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectSelf acceptancein_ID
dc.subjectblind difabelin_ID
dc.titleSelf Acceptance of Wife Who Have a Blind Husbandin_ID

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