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dc.contributor.authorChabibah, Nur
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dc.description.abstractOne ways that can be done to improve the outcome of pregnancy is the preconception care. Preconception care has many advantages and variations, such as allowing the identification of medical illness, psychological readiness assessment, finance, and achievement of life goals. Quality of life can be improved in the preconception period to prepare before the start of pregnancy, notably the implementation of nutrition adequacy. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of counseling on nutrient intake during the preconception to improve the quality of nutrient intake in women who are planning a pregnancy.This study used a quasi-experimental design with the design of the pre-test and post-test control group. The independent variable of this study is counseling and dependent variables that nutrient intake. The population in this study were woman who are planning a pregnancy who enroll in health centers Pemalang, obtained by systematic random sampling technique. Bivariate data analysis be performed by paired t-test test. The results of the analysis showed counseling can improve nutrient intake is essential for reproduction including the increase in energy intake (mean Δ 285), fat (Δ mean 12.8), protein (mean Δ 9 6), carbohydrate (mean Δ 37), vitamin C (Δ mean 12.6), vitamin B6 (mean Δ 0.28), folic acid (mean Δ 3.78), iron (mean Δ 3.38), and calcium (mean Δ 249). Meaning that counseling on nutrient intake in the preconception period can improve the quality nutrient intake in woman who are planning a pregnancyin_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectnutrient intakein_ID
dc.titleEfektifitas Konseling Gizi Dalam Peningkatan Asupan Zat Gizi Wanita Yang Merencanakan Kehamilanin_ID

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