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dc.contributor.authorTetuko, Aji
dc.contributor.authorAnita Nugraheni, Diesty
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dc.description.abstractLoyalty to customers caused by the influence of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with these brands are accumulating continuously. The number of customers of PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) Medan at most of pharmacies, and the item of most products also distributed in pharmacies. The study aims to determine customer loyalty to products Kimia Farma in Medan. The study follows the design of non-experimental research survey in pharmacies in Medan. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. Samples taken limited time sampling the month of January to December 2012. The research subject is the customer who has the authority to make purchases at the pharmacy, at least once every month in the interval between the months of January to December 2012. Variables used in the study consisted of independent variables (frequency of purchase by pharmacy) and the dependent variable (customer loyalty). The majority of respondents are women, aged 31-40 years, the job of assistant pharmacist, and graduated from high school educated. The results showed that the value of most major indicators of customer loyalty that is repurchasing. The majority of customers making purchases ≥ 48 times or an average of more than 4 times per month or in a group very often.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.titleGambaran Loyalitas Pelanggan Apotek Terhadap Produk Kimia Farma Di Kota Medanin_ID

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