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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Dwi
dc.identifier.citationArikunto, S. 2002.Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta Azwar, S.2003. Sikap manusia, teori dan pengukurannya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Campbell, Catherine. et. al. 2005. Understanding and Challenging HIV/AIDS Stigma. Durban: HIVAN Dinas Kesehatan Kudus.2014. Laporan Kasus HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten Kudus. Ditjen PP& PL Kementerian Kesehatan RI.2014. Perkembangan HIV/AIDS di Indonesia: Jakarta Fadilah H.2006. Pelatihan PMTCT bagi Bidan DKI Jakarta. Jakarta: Gemari; Available at: 376.shtml. Diakses; 13 April 2014. Griya PMTCT PKBI Kota Semarang. 2007. laporan sosialisasi PMTCT di Kota Semarang: Semarang Herek GM, Capitanjo JP, Widaman KF. HIV Related Stigma and Knowledge in United States: Prevalence and Trends, 1991- 1999. American Journal of Public Health.2002;92(3):371-7 Hutapea R.2004. AIDS & PMS dan Pemerkosaan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Kementerian Kesehatan.2011. Modul Pelatihan Konseling dan Tes Sukarela HIV Untuk Konselor HIV Panduan Peserta. Jakarta:Kementerian Kesehatan RI Kompas. 2010. Stigmatisasi menghambat Pencegahan HIV/AIDS.Gesang: SoloIndonesia. Li Li et al.2006. Using case vignettes to measure HIV-related stigma among health professionals in China. oxford university: United Kingdom. Notoatmodjo, S . 2005. Metodologi penelitian kesehatan.Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta Nurhayati E, Sunjya DK, Afriandi I, 2013.Stigma dan Diskriminasi Terhadap ODHA di Kota Bandung. Bandung: Available at: ml. Diakses; 12 Februari 2014. Nursalam, 2003.Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. Pratikono. Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehat Lingkungan laporan perkembangan HIV/AIDS Triwulan III In: Kesehatan K, editor. Jakarta Kemenkes RI; 2012. Satari MH, Wirakusumah FF. Konsistensi Penelitian dalam Bidang Kesehatan. 1 ed. Suzanna A, editor. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama; 2011 Sugiono. 2012. Statistik dalam Penelitian. Bandung : Alfabeta. Sutrisna A. HIV/AIDS. Jakarta: Komunitas AIDS Indonesia 2011[cited 2013 25 Januari]. UNAIDS. 2002. A Conceptual Framework and Basis for Action: HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination. Vol UNAIDS/02.43E (Original version, June 2002): GenevaSwitzerland. UNAIDS. 2005. HIV Related Stigma, Discrimination and Human Rights Violation. Geneva: UNAIDS. Walgito, B. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi Umum, Edisi Revisi, Cetakan keempat. Yogyakarta:Andi Offsetin_ID
dc.description.abstractStigma and discrimination faced by people infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) from various community groups. Starting from the family, neighborhood, workplace, school, health care workers and other community settings. Not only that, the health facilities that serve as places for people infected with HIV struggle to be able to live like people who are not infected, in fact they often suffer discrimination (Sutrisna, 2013). People with PLWHA in Central Java, which reported up to September 2014 were 3767 people. In addition, the ten provinces reported the cumulative total of AIDS. While the number of HIV cases in Central Java until September 2014 were 9032 cases. The cumulative number of HIV / AIDS in Kudus until 2014 were 72 cases and 14 persons died (Kudus Health Office, 2014). The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence midwifery students stigma to PLWHA (People living with HIV /AIDS). The design of this research is descriptive research with cross sectional analytic. The population in this study was all of midwifery students in Kudus, 506 and the sample of the research was 226. The research instrument was questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using chi square and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression. The results showed that doing good stigma 50.4% and less stigma 49.6%. Variables related to midwifery students stigma of PLWHA is perception (P value = 0.000). The variables that most influence on Midwifery students stigma of PLWHA is perception (ExpB = 0.286). Based on the research, they need for socialization of the stigma for the health workers, the community and the health department on HIV / AIDSin_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectattitudes of friendsin_ID
dc.titleFaktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Stigma Mahasiswa Kebidanan Terhadap Odha Di Kudusin_ID

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