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dc.contributor.authorEmaliyawati, Etika
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dc.description.abstractTriage is a system which function to select the patient based on the level of the emergency of medical service thus all the patients are attended according to the priority. Triage system available in the PKU Islamic MuhammadiyahPekajangan Hospital is labelling triage method. The regulation to apply the modified Australian Triage Scale (ATS) method is present with the consideration of the detail in each emergency level and easier to use. Based on the situation, it is needed to conduct a study to know the appropriateness the modified ATS with the labelling triage method in evaluating and determining the level of emergency of the patient so that the patient could be saved. This study was aimed to know the appropriateness between thelabelling triage method with the modified ATS in measuring the emergency level of the patient. Observational with cross sectional study design was occupied for this study using convenient sampling technique on 38 respondents with various cases done by the nurses in the Emergency Room. Statistical analysis used in this study were Wilcoxon to know the difference, Rank Spearman’s to know the correlation and Kappa test to know the appropriateness of those instruments. The results of the Wilcoxon test showed p value the labelling triage method and modified ATS the first observer is 1.000 (>0.05) and the second observer is 0.317 (>0.05). The results of the Rank Spearman’s test showed the labelling triage method and modified ATS the first observer is 1.000 (p value = 0.000; <0.05) and the second observer is 0,981(p value = 0.000; <0.05). The results of the Kappa test showed the labelling triage method and the modified ATS the first observer is 1.000 (p value = 0.000; <0.05) and the second observer is 0.953 (p value = 0.000; <0.05). Based on the results of this study, both triage instruments showed no difference in assessment results, there is the strong correlation and very good agreement. Both triage instruments showed the same range and meaning, thus it can be concluded that the modified ATS method can be used in the Emergency Room of the PKU Islamic MuhammadiyahPekajangan Hospital because have appropriateness with the labelling triage method.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pakijanganin_ID
dc.subjectTriage Labellingin_ID
dc.subjectEmergency Roomin_ID
dc.subjectAustralian Triage Scalein_ID
dc.titleKesesuaian Alat Ukur Triase Metodelabeling dan Australian Triage Scalemodifikasi di IGD RSI Pekajanganin_ID

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