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dc.contributor.authorUntari, Ida
dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Wijayanti
dc.contributor.authorPertiwi Dyah Kusudaryati, Dewi
dc.identifier.citationArisman. 2004. Gizi Dalam Daur Kehidupan. Jakarta: EGC Attard, Angela, et all. 2010. Student Centred Learning, Toolkit for students Staffs, and Higher Education Institution. Education International and the European Student Union, Brussel, Belgia. Azwar, 2006. Pedoman Pembinaan Kesehatan Usia Lanjut Bagi Petugas Kesehatan. Depkes: Jawa Timur Depkes RI. 2006. Pedoman Umum Pengelolaan Posyandu. Jakarta. Effendy, N. 2009, Dasar-dasar Keperawatan Komunitas. Jakarta: EGC Kelurahan Semanggi. 2014. Profil Kelurahan Semanggi. Laporan posyandu lansia Mawaddah, 2014 Laporan posyandu lansia Ngudi Waras, 2014 Linden, E., Wibowo, Y.I., Setiawan, E., 2008, Serba Serbi Gangguan Kesehatan Pada Lanjut Usia, Universitas Surabaya : PIOLK press. Mujahidullah. 2012. Keperawatan Geriatrik. Merawat Lanjut Usia dengan Cinta dan Kasih Sayang. Yogjakarta: Pusaka Belajar Munandar. 2015. Manajemen Pelayanan Posyandu Di Wilayah Rnkerja Puskesmas Montasikr kabupaten Aceh Besar. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala. Banda Aceh. p?id=15692&page=1. Diakses tanggal 8 Juni 2016. Redolfo, P. Ang. 2001. Elements of Student Centred Learning. Loyola Schools Loyola Antenoe de Manila Uniersity, Office of Research and Publication. Saripawan, Y. Hasanbasri, M. 2007. Implementasi dan supervisi Posyandu oleh Puskesmas di Pontianak. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan.Volume 10 Nomor 2. Halaman 90-97. cle.php?article=131791&val=5018&t itle=IMPLEMENTASI%20POSYA NDU%20DAN%20SUPERVISI%20 OLEH%20PUSKESMAS%20DI%2 0PONTIANAK. Diakses tanggal 8 Juni 2016. Sumiati. Suriah. Ramdan, I.M. 2012. Pemanfaatan Posyandu Lansia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Wonorejo Samarinda Tahun 2012. 1bfc0935f0775fedf3ae8765cdb2693. pdf Diakses tanggal 8 Juni 2016.in_ID
dc.description.abstractPosyandu (integrated health service post) elderly is a form of public participation in the independence of carrying out activities in the health sector aimed at the elderly. The activities carried out from the people, by the people and for the people. Problems in Posyandu elderly Mawaddah and Ngudi Waras be no implementation guidelines posyandu seen from the lack of knowledge managing Posyandu and still dependent on the presence of cadres of health workers. The solution was in the form of training cadres with the media cadres book. The method used in the training of cadres for 2 days (16 hours) using the SCL (Student Learning Center). The results of calculation of the value of knowledge prior to the implementation of the training has gained an average of 21 out of a maximum value of 30 and the average value after training at 23. There are changes in the form of differences in the value of knowledge before and after values obtained 0,000. The difference in the form of an increase in the value of knowledge, there is no difference in the two posyandu either prior to and after the 0.114 value to the value of 0.443. Utilization of cadre training books can also help improve the knowledge and skills about the implementation of Posyandu.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectStudent Center Learingin_ID
dc.subjectPosyandu Elderlyin_ID
dc.titleIncreasing Knowledge Of Posyandu Through The Organization Of Training With Student Learning Center Methodsin_ID

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