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dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions and expectations of society towards the development impact of the Integrated Campus Kedungmundu UNIMUS in the region, from the aspect of education, health, and social / religious propaganda, as well as the expectations of society on the Role UNIMUS in the future. Research conducted in the region
keluarahan Kedungmundu, where the Integrated Campus Unimus it's been since 2006, with a population of keluarahan Kedungmundu as many as 11,312 people as the population in this study, then the calculation method / formula of Slovin, the sample size of 100 people selected from residents who have Kedungmundu lived in the village more than 10 years (since before integrated campus began operating in 2006). Results of peneliian is descriptively inexplicable that the presence Unimus effect on the educational aspects surrounding communities (awareness of the needs / importance of education 59%, passion to improve education to higher education for family members reached 81%, and the growing atmosphere / academic culture as
much as 74% ), effect on the health aspects also increased (awareness of the importance of hygiene and health as much as 65%, anticipating pollution control airmudara and land reached 63%, and the prevention / solution against illness and disease as much as 71%), as well as stimulants religious life that is more dynamic , both in awareness of the religious needs orderly
and correct 79%, the implementation of religious activities Practically 81%, and the growing Islamic atmosphere dg akhlakulkarimah as much as 80%. | in_ID |