Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Pemakaian Microwave Untuk Optimasi Pembuatan Zeolit Sintetis Dari Abu Sekam Padi
Sebagai negara agraris, Indonesia mempunyai hasil tanaman yang melimpah, diantaranya padi. Melimpahnya padi, berarti melimpahnya limbah padi berupa sekam padi. Pemanfaatan sekam padi belum maksimal. Di Indonesia, khususnya ...
Natural Dye Extracts From Suji Leaves (Dracaena angustifolia) for Textile Coloring
Dracaena leaf (Dracaena angustifolia) is a natural dye that is often used in Indonesia as a food coloring. Dracaena leaves have a green pigment. This study aimed to extract color in dyeing fabric utilization. In this study ...
Potential of Mango leaf (magnifera indica l) as Cotton and Silk Textile dyes
Now a days a lot of pollution caused by the textile mills that use synthetic textile dyes that harm the environment. To reduce the use of synthetic dyes, natural dyes potential for use. One of the natural resources that ...